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那一次,她还带我去老佛爷百货公司购物。And she was taking me shopping to Galeries Lafayette.

但如果明天老佛爷给加利亚尼一亿欧元,那就是加凸伤脑筋的问题了。But if tomorrow Perez gives Galliani 100 million, then it's Galliani's problem.

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老佛爷,巴黎春天等购物中心的人流超过我的预料。Shopping malls, like Lafayette and Printemps, were much more crowed than what I expect.

再后来,我去了巴黎,在老佛爷百货大楼里叫卖了一年设计师衬衫。And then I went to Paris and spent a year hawking designer shirts in the Place de la Madeleine.

因为在北京盛极的名气,老佛爷百货还计划明年在北京开设一家分店。Galeries Lafayette is planning to open a store next year in Beijing, where the name is a brand.

除了免费租借,加秃还想说服老佛爷支付卡卡工资的一部分,从而完成这笔交易。Along with the free loan, the Milan powerbroker hopes to convince Real president Florentino Perez to cover a percentage of Kaka's wages to make the move happen.

中国人在克恩顿大街大肆购物,不像后来到了老佛爷百货商店,那种疯狂的情景,还真的蛮丢人的呢。But don't know why, not how see Chinese in KeEnDu street wantonly shopping, unlike later at the madness that department store, announced the scene, is actually pretty humiliate?

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二十分钟后我们爬上楼梯走进夜色中,跟在李导游后面走过熙熙攘攘的人群前往老佛爷,这是一家坐落在奥斯曼大道上楼高十层的百货公司。Twenty minutes later, we climbed the stairs out into the night, hustling after Li down the block to the Galeries Lafayette, the ten-story department store on the Boulevard Haussmann.

这位前法国国际巨星在2006年夏天结束了他的职业球员生涯,但他在2009年6月回归足球担任皇马主席老佛爷的顾问。The former France international ended his playing career in the summer of 2006, but returned to football in June 2009 when he was named advisor to Real Madrid president Florentino Perez.

这场秀将在下周二开幕的巴黎时装周期间举行,组织方巴黎“老佛爷”百货公司有意让其写入吉尼斯世界纪录。Held at the height of Paris fashion week which kicks off on Tuesday, the event organised by Paris Galeries Lafayette department store is bidding for a spot in the Guinness Book of Records.

这场秀将在下周二开幕的巴黎时装周期间举行,组织方巴黎“老佛爷”百货公司有意让其写入吉尼斯世界纪录。Held at the height ofParis fashion week which kicks off on Tuesday, the event organised by Paris' Galeries Lafayette department store is bidding for a spot in the Guinness Book of Records.

在整个经济衰退期中,法国消费者还一直保持稳定的支出。来看看巴黎第九区的老佛爷百货公司和巴黎春天。French consumer spending has been stable throughout the recession. See scenes from in and around department stores Galeries Lafayette and Le Printemps in Paris's IX arrondissement Thursday.

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霍恩和她的母亲最初仍然在她的祖父母家,但霍恩约五时,她的母亲留下来追求她的演艺生涯,最初老佛爷股份公司在哈莱姆。Horne and her mother initially remained in her grandparents' home but when Horne was about five her mother left to pursue her acting career initially with the Lafayette Stock Company in Harlem.