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见到狗不要撒腿就跑。Do not to run past a dog.

他们感到危险,撒腿就跑。Sensing danger, they started to run.

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我撒腿就跑到桥的另一个角。So I run. I run to the other corner of the bridge.

大大小小的野兽都吓得撒腿就逃。The wild animals, large and small, all fled for their lives.

我想撒腿就跑但是身子却动不了。I turned on my heel and started to run but my body didn't move.

两个女人,一听到这声可怕的吓唬,撒腿就跑。This terrible threat caused the two women to fall off immediately.

打碎了博物馆里的珍贵花瓶,孩子们撒腿就跑。Breaking the valuable vase in the Museum, the children cut and ran.

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死寂的地铁站到处是陌生的面孔,吓得我撒腿就跑。In the company of strangers, in the quiet of the railway station, running scared.

听到海啸预警的广播后,他撒腿就往高地跑。Tsunami warning after hearing the broadcast, he started for higher ground and ran.

看到球打碎了史密斯太太客厅的玻璃窗,孩子们撒腿就跑。When the boys saw the ball breaking Mrs. Smith's living-room window, they cut and ran.

今天在街上走著,忽然听到有狗叫,我依然下意识地撒腿就跑…When I heard the bark on my way walking home today, I just could not help running away.

他迅速浮出水面,上岸后撒腿就往家跑。He came out from the water immediately, climbed up the bank, and made off for home at once.

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维拉确信这些孩子没干好事,因为他们见她来时撒腿便跑。Willa was sure that the boys were up to no good, because they ran when they saw her coming.

还是角落的一堆脏衣服让你有尖叫着撒腿跑开的冲动?Or does the pile of laundry in the corner make you want run screaming in the other direction?

姑娘们把这一幕都看在眼里了,裘撒腿跳起了吉格,以此表达自己得意非凡。When the girls saw that performance, Jo began to dance a jig , by way of expressing her satisfaction.

看到大批警察向他们走过来,他们尖叫着撒腿就跑,但是都被抓住了。They screeched and ran when they saw the large number of police coming for them. They were all caught.

想念那时跟爸爸顶嘴,怒极的爸爸拿起身旁的小棍子吓得我撒腿就跑的时光。When I miss her anger with Dad, Dad took the side of the small stick scared me and started running time.

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水妖从教堂回来,发现小鸟们飞走了,撒腿就追。When church was over, the nixie saw that the birds had flown away, and she followed them with long strides.

当母亲说我们已经吃够了时,我们便撒腿冲向了厨房,那声响如同出自一群惊慌失措的牲口。When my mother told us we had eaten enough, it sounded like a stampede of cattle as we raced for the kitchen.

别克砰的一声撞上铁轨停住了,这家伙踢开车门撒腿就跑。The Buick slammed to a stop against some railroad tracks, and this guy kicked the door open and started running.