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宝贝儿,做你自己。Do you, baby.

是啊!我自己。Yup! By myself.

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他是自己人。He is one of us.

我回说自己没笑。I said I wasn't.

知道你自己的BATNAKnow your BATNA.

她从不夸耀自己。She never brags.

那是你自己的事情That's your job.

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我和你妈妈需要一些自己的时间,我们的就寝时间是9点。Bedtime is 9 p.m.

我自己悟出来的。I figured it out.

我原谅我自己。I forgive myself.

它就会自己脱落。It will peel off.

——看看你自己吧。See for yourself.

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你自己过来看啊。Come see yourself.

你能够想象在22岁的时候就自己当老板并且财政独立么?Could you imagine?

不要当殉道者把自己给逼死。Don't be a martyr.

他用脚踹自己的狗。He kicked his dog.

我可以吸到自己。I can suck my own.

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我有自己的房间了。I hve my own room.

我知道自己罪孽深重。I know I'm sinful.

见到你自己架车?Saw your car here?