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它们都栖居在非洲或者阿拉伯。All live in Africa or Arabia.

浣熊可栖居在森林。Racoons can live in the forest.

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绦虫是栖居肠内的寄生虫。The tapeworm is an inhabitant of the intestine.

在我疲倦的时候可以停下来诗意地栖居。At a time when I tired to stop dwelling poetically.

美在非现实性,美就是诗意栖居。Beauty is non-reality. It is being of poetic quality.

头部是二十一世纪人类的栖居地。We twentieth century humans live entirely in our heads.

最后我栖居在温顺里,与你轻巧在这个时节。Finally I resided in warm, and your lissom in this season.

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海德格尔说过,人应该诗意地栖居在自然中。Heidegger said that people should live poetically in nature.

加拿大温哥华是有名的带冠毛八哥的栖居地。Vancouver, Canada is home to some well-known Crested Mynahs.

在那里,为了有一个栖居的小屋,他们顽强的打拼着。There, in order to have a colony of the hut, they fight dogged.

人类以比栖居的这个星球更快的速度变得冷漠。Nostra culpa. Man grows cold faster than the planet he inhabits.

鸟类在树上筑巢,小动物和昆虫则在树洞中栖居。Small animals and insects build their homes in the hollows of trees.

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热情淳朴的安澜人民欢迎您来此观光旅游、投资兴业、诗意栖居。The warm-hearted people welcome you to Anlan for sightseeing and investment.

因为我们的本性是诗意的,所以我爱“诗意地栖居在大地上”。Since the nature of us is poetic, thus I love inhabiting the earth poetically.

他选择的小虫是生殖支原体,一种在生殖道中栖居的生物。His chosen bug was Mycoplasma genitalium, a creature that lives ingenitaltracts.

数十万只好望角海豹和塘鹅栖居在海岸和岩石上以便养育后代。Half a million Cape fur seals and Cape gannets settle on beaches and rock to breed.

为避免这种危机,我们重呼人与物的和谐相处,我们昭喻着人诗意的栖居。To avoid this crisis, we appeal to reconstruct the coherence between hu-mans and things.

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因为岛上栖居着上万只海鸥,所以被称为“万鸟岛”。Because the island is home to tens of thousands of seagulls, so called" thousand island".

在公园北侧可以看到旧石器时代人类栖居过的洞穴遗址。In the north of the park, you may see cave ruins of human habitants in the Old Stone Age.

当时,从大西洋一直延伸到墨西哥湾的巨大内陆海将北美大陆一分为两,而热带环境则为各种生物提供了完美的栖居地。The lush, tropical environment provided a perfect habitat for a wide variety of wildlife.