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我们是奴隶吗?Are we Slaves?

奴隶劳动的丑闻。Slave labor scandals.

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酒鬼是酒的奴隶。He is a thrall to drink.

同意,我恨奴隶贩。I agree. I hate slavers.

他在"拥有奴隶"下画了道线He underlines hold slaves.

他们是北京的奴隶,栖身于违章建筑,那是不断扩张的北京所要拆除的部分。They are Beijing’s slaves.

结果与之相反,他成为了一个奴隶般的苦工。Instead, he became a slave.

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骇人皮鞭打奴隶?Slaves Were Flogged by Whip?

有人做了她的奴隶。Someone was enslaved to her.

不要成为你自负的奴隶。Don't be a slave to your ego.

阿祖弥不再是你的奴隶了!Azumi is no longer your slave!

人不会天生就是奴隶"Man is not made for servitude."

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他做了自己野心的奴隶。Heis in bondage to his ambition.

圣克莱尔家新买了个奴隶。ST CLARE has bought a new slave.

加里古拉饶了那奴隶的命。Caligula spared the slave's life.

他不知道如何给予奴隶自由He doesn't know how to free them.

在他们的棍棒和拳脚下,我就是一个奴隶。I was a slave under club and fist.

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我们要象奴隶一样打拼吗?We all should compete like slaves?

他看看奴隶贩子的金子。Then looked upon the Slaver's gold.

负债者是债主的奴隶。A debtor is a slave to his creditor.