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你听见号角声了吗。雏儿?。I know you hear"em."

让预言的号角奏鸣!The trumpet of a prophecy!

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让预言的号角奏鸣!Let's make predictions horn!

船上的浓雾号角发出呜呜声。The ship foghorn boomed out.

我们听到号角在吹响。We heard the bugles blowing.

还有狂野而尖利的号角。And the bugle wild and shrill.

加伯列吹起号角,圣徒齐步前进。And the saints go marching in.

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船上的浓雾信号角发出呜呜声。The ship's foghorn boomed out.

我们终于吹响了胜利的号角。Now we blew the winning bugles.

号角声和锣鼓声回荡山谷。The trumpets and drums resound.

小喇叭和号角都是铜管乐器。Trumpets and horns are brasses.

黛娜,你吹响了你的号角吗?Dinah, won't you blow your horn?

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号角刚已吹响-阿霍。The bugle has just sounded -Aho.

让预言的号角奏鸣!哦,风啊。The trumpet of a prophecy! O, Wind.

随着一声号角,光亮再现。As a clarion sounding light returns.

那是仙境的号角轻轻地吹起!The horns of Elfland faintly blowing!

那是笛声。号角声响应。That's the flute. And the horn answers.

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要退出,那就按三次号角。To quit, you rang the bell three times.

我要一把小号,两把大号和一把号角。I want a trumpet, two tubas and a bugle.

我大胆地将金属号角在我的唇边放好。Dauntless the slug-horn to my lips I set.