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都很出众,-都很出众。,All,smart。,–All smart.

他是一位才华出众的作家。He is a marvelously able author.

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她在音乐方面成就出众。She distinguished herself in music.

他是一个才艺出众的人。He is a man of uncommon acquirements.

她在艺术方面成就出众。She distinguished herself in the arts.

被认为是优秀的或出众的人。One that is deemed excellent or notable.

尽管他才华出众,可就是不努力学习。Talented as he is, he doesn't work hard.

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这就是文字广告表现出众的原因。That's why text ads perform so much better.

我认为,这就是印尼出众的地方。And I believe that is the strength of Indonesia.

他读书万卷,才学出众。He's read volumes and is an outstanding scholar.

朗斯达夫还是那么潇洒出众吗?Is Longstaff still so handsome and distinguished?

我们取得的成绩的确是十分出众的The results have been really quite extraordinary.

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新加坡是一个出众的后殖民社会。Singapore is a postcolonial society par excellence.

这些品质促使她的出众才华取得了广泛的使用。These qualities promoted the use of her brilliance.

殊不知,里奥哈也生产少量出众的白葡萄酒。However, Rioja also produces rare amazing white wine.

尽管牌技仍然出众,但70有余的布朗森到底已经廉颇老矣。Now in his mid-70s, Mr Brunson is still going strong.

我并非是您最出众的学生,但您是我最好的老师。I am not your best student, but you are my best teacher.

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如果你是一家黄金矿商,想要寻求业务多样化,时机还不错.看涨黄金的理由多种多样.然而,铜长期前景要更为出众一些.It's not a bad time to diversify if you are a gold miner.

出众的声音表现有两个降噪麦克风。Superior sound performance with two noise-canceling mics.

您真正需要的所有东西就是超群出众的勇气。All you really need is the courage to break from the herd.