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中校军衔在少校军衔之上。A lieutenant-colonel is above a major.

在海军中,上校的军衔高于中校。A captain ranks a commander in the navy.

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中校军阶高于少校。A lieutenant- colonel ranks above a major.

瑞克中校,请向舰桥报到。Commander Riker, please report to the bridge.

我是安德森中校汉默将军,特遣队队长。This is General Hummel. Drop your weapons. Drop'em!

陆军中校比少校军衔高。An army major ranks between a captain and a colonel.

一个退役了的中校和这只小蓝鸟。A retired lieutenant colonel, and this baby blue jay.

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叫我中校,随你便。就是别叫我长官。Call me Colonel, if you must. Just don't call me sir.

亨特中校检查出血状况,开始给他输血。Lt Col Hunter checks for haemorrhages and gives blood.

现在马金森中校已经死了,是这样吗?And at present Colonel Markinson is dead. Is that right?

少校军衔正低于中校。A major is immediately below a lieutenant-colonel in rank.

这位海军中校随意地朝他们挥挥手便扬帆而过。Giving them an airy wave of his hand, the Commander sailed past.

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道格拉斯.鲍威尔中校是美军驻冲绳的海军陆战队发言人。Lieutenant Colonel Douglas Powell is the Marine spokesman on Okinawa.

1961年,海军中校艾伦·B·小谢泼德乘坐这个太空舱,成为美国第一位进入太空的宇航员。Alan B.Shepard, Jr., became the first U.S. astronaut in space in 1961.

“我们使用了大量的弹药”该部一名中校说。"We used a lot of fire, " said an officer in the group, Lt. Col. Ofer.

1961年,海军中校艾伦·B·小谢泼德乘坐这个太空舱,成为美国第一位进入太空的宇航员。Alan B. Shepard, Jr., became the first U.S. astronaut in space in 1961.

但有时他们的官位只和上尉那样,通常是中校。Sometimes as low ranker as captain usually major in lieutenant colonel.

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一个中校的薪水不多,而罗达是过惯比较好的生活的。A commander's salary was modest, and Rhoda was used to this better life.

我想本威克中校的情况很好,不过他是个非常古怪的年轻人。Captain Benwick is very well, I believe, but he is a very odd young man.

总统去世的情况是由他的医生布鲁恩中校描述的。The circumstances of the President's death were described by his doctors.