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教育和卫生齐头并进。Education and health go hand in hand.

工作和休息齐头并进,相得益彰。Work and rest go together, hand in hand.

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而且它不能让IT与业务保持齐头并进。And it does not align IT and the business.

他们密集穿行,有时候多达20辆车齐头并进。They travel in tight packs, sometimes as many as 20 abreast.

在第四圈的最后一段,孙梅和我齐头并进。At the end of the fourth lap, Sun Mei and I were neck and neck.

赛马及良种销售齐头并进,在魔术数百万人。Horse Racing and Thoroughbred Sales go hand in hand at Magic Millions.

临近终点时,那几匹马齐头并进,简直分不出先后。As the horses raced towards the finishing post, there was nothing in it.

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C919将与著名的波音737和空客A320齐头并进。The C919 will go head to head with the popular Boeing 737 and Airbus A320.

在改进药品的获得性方面,价格和质量齐头并进。In terms of improving access to medicines, price and quality go hand in hand.

减少我们过剩核力量的正确途径是与俄罗斯齐头并进。The right way to reduce our excess nuclear forces is in parallel with Russia.

最近,上海开始实行将建设和园艺一起齐头并进的措施。Recently, Shanghai began pushing construction to go hand in hand with gardening.

海地要实现繁荣,法制、安全和发展就必须齐头并进。Legitimacy, security and development must go hand in hand if Haiti is to prosper.

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美国同时引领了推动民主的努力,与开放市场和开放贸易齐头并进。In tandem with open markets and open trade, the United States led in the promotion of democracy.

最后,用一位瞄准特定群体以便齐头并进的游戏“参与者”的话来说,“我们欲罢不能。”In the words of one focus-group participant we "just don't know when to stop and draw the line."

预选比较宽的、平坦的路面会车,两车齐头并进时即开远光灯。Pre-selection is wide, flat surface will be the other car go hand in hand when the beam is open.

他首先引入了市场经济的某些因素,希望让计划经济和市场经济齐头并进。He first introduced some elements of market economy, hoping to juxtapose planned economy and market economy.

他希望能够在总统后选人中重新取得领先地位,并与希拉里齐头并进。Obama is hoping to re-establish himself as the co-front-runner for the nomination alongside Hillary Clinton.

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说“全面”,是指经济、社会、政治、文化建设要齐头并进,缺一不可。By "comprehensive", we want to ensure progress on every front, be it economic or social, political or cultural.

手机广告也齐头并进,其中金融、电信和消费品牌在旅途中也不放过他们的广告对象。Mobile advertising raced ahead too, with finance, telecoms and consumer brands trying to reach audiences on the move.

在中大这所综合大学,科技与人文齐头并进,符合世界的需要。As a comprehensive University, our balance of science and technology against humanities meets the demand in this world.