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多吃低热,低脂食物。Enjoy a low-calorie, low-fat diet.

有些饮料含糖,有些则使用低热量的甜味剂。Some have sugar, but others use low-calorie sweet

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而且也是低热量的美味。It's also extremely low in calories and delicious.

橘红宝石材料坚硬、耐磨、低热。The ruby is stiff, abrasion resistant and low-heat.

多表现为低热,但有时也可以是高热。Common symptoms include low fever, but sometimes high fever.

可口可乐首先投放了低热量的饮料“TAB”。Coca-Cola introduced the first low calorie soft drink, "TAB."

认为“利于心脏的脂肪”和“无脂肪”就等同于低热量。Confusing “heart-healthy fat” or “fat free” with low calorie.

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因此是烤鸡或与低热量的选矿的一道蔬菜沙拉。So is grilled chicken or a green salad with low-cal dressing.

高光效、低热阻陶瓷基板。Ceramic substrade, High efficiency and low thermal resistance.

而且,低热量、不含蔗糖的甜品,吃后不会令体重激增。Sugar- free low calorie desserts will keep you fit and healthy.

坚持低热量、低胆固醇和低脂肪的饮食安排。Stick to a low-calorie, low-cholesterol and low-fat eating plan.

看看有几个男人专吃低热或者去脂食品?How many men do you know who eat low-calorie or fat-free anything ?

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他已经是这个低热水煤气工程的总工程师了。He is already the general engineer of this low BTU water gas project.

甜味蛋白是一类具有高甜度、低热卡、多功能的天然甜味剂。So the development of the sweet-tasting proteins has been rather slow.

冷水可以减轻疼痛并减低热对组织的作用。The cold reduces pain and may decrease the effect of the heat on the tissue.

康宝莱减肥产品高营养,低热量。Herbalife weight loss products are high in nutrition but very low in calorie.

植物甜蛋白是一类高甜度低热量的天然甜味剂。Plant sweet protein is a kind of high-potency, low-caloric natural sweeteners.

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有许多能满足低热量的要求的可用食谱。There are numerous available recipes that can meet the low calorie requirement.

其实有很多美味的调酒都是低热量的。There are plenty of tasty alcohol mixed drinks that are on the low calorie side.

喝无或低热量的饮料,例如水,无糖的茶或苏打水。Drink no- or low-calorie beverages, such as water, unsweetened tea and diet soda.