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虽然他的路程是艰险而陡峻。Though his ways are hard and steep.

他们都是迎着艰险上的英雄。They are all heroes grasping the nettle.

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生命是一条艰险的狭谷,只有勇敢的人才能通过。Life is a dangerous valley, only the brave people.

英曼就此踏上了漫长艰险的回家路。Inman tong-held embarked on a long dangerous way home.

生命是一条艰险的峡谷,只有勇敢的人才能通过。——米歇潘。Life is a dangerous canyon, only a brave man can pass.

她不畏艰险,清楚地知道她要寻找的是什么。She's daring and she knows exactly what she's looking for.

面对这条异常艰险的道路,更多人现在要了解这个问题也已为时过晚。Many more of us are learning about them too late, the hard way.

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战士们直面困难,不畏艰险。The soldiers are face their difficulties directly without fear.

你不会介意路途的不平或艰险But you will not mind the roughness nor the steepness of the way

当你的皮船和木筏冲进湄公河时和急流的艰险战斗。Fight the rapids as you kayak and raft down the vast Mekong River.

鉴于奥巴马的信用,他并没有粉饰未来的艰险。To his credit, Mr. Obama did not sugarcoat the difficulties ahead.

当爱呼唤你时,紧随它,虽然它的道路艰险崎岖。When love beckons to you, follow him, Though his ways are hard and steep.

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他独自乘着木筏,经历了很多艰险,终于到了岛上。After further adventures alone on a raft he eventually reached the island.

不过,一场准衰退虽然可以避免,但前面的道路依然艰险。But while a near-depression will be avoided, the road ahead will be tough.

录像带中他依然用面临“深渊”和重获健康的“道路艰险”这样的字眼。He spoke of having faced an “abyss” and of the “steep path” back to health.

在这道路坎坷、征途艰险的时刻,甘言谀词不能解救我们。The smoothness of flattery cannot save us, in this rugged and awful crisis.

而左少卿知道目前处境艰险,随时可能牺牲。And ZuoShaoQing know current situation dangerous, at any time may sacrifice.

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只有极少数的灵魂不畏艰险,不惜一切。Then there are the few brae souls who grab at its horns and hang on at all costs.

今后的日子会遇到艰险,但是我绝对相信我们将获得成功。There will be difficult days ahead. But I am absolutely confident we will succeed.

我感受到了这种御龙的艰险,也感受到了漂浮的神山的宽广无边。I felt the danger of the climb and the huge spaciousness of the floating mountains.