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白葡萄酒到底需不需要醒酒?Should You Ever Decant White Wine?

建议醒酒一小时后饮用。Uncork the bottle one hour before.

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我希望这杯咖啡能使他醒醒酒。I hope this coffee may sober him up.

喝杯咖啡来醒醒酒。Have a cup of coffee to sober you up.

我需要一杯茶来醒醒酒。I need a cup of tea to sober myself up.

建议开瓶后醒酒1个小时。Recommendations corkage 1 hours after the hangover.

茶能醒酒敌烟,这也是众所周知的事实。Tea can be sober enemy, this is known as the smoke.

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本文将告诉你陈年葡萄酒如何醒酒。This article will tell you how to decant aged wine.

她让我们出去透透气,醒醒酒。She told us to go outside, get some air, and sober up.

她看报期间怎样才能醒酒,我打扫庖厨。Whellole she read the paper, I cleaned up the kitchen.

你醒酒之后,会为你的所作所为而感到羞愧。After you sobered up , you would be ashamed of what you did.

如果在醒酒之后状况变得更糟了,这支酒很可能是有瓶塞味儿了。If they get worse after decanting the wine is probably corked.

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饮用前适当醒酒,搭配羊肩肉或烤鸭味道鲜美。A good wine to decant and serve with a shoulder of lamb or roasted duck.

饮用前最适宜醒酒一个小时,并置于正常室温。Best uncork it an hour before pouring, and serve it at room temperature.

此外,也用于醒酒药、口中清凉剂等口嚼片剂。In addition, for the sober drug, mouth refreshing agent with Rose Hips agent.

若您希望可以减低酒中的水果酸度,建议您可以稍作醒酒。Allow the wine to air if you want to reduce some of the tartness of the fruit flavors.

如果是3年后打开,醒酒时会出现未过滤的沉淀。If is 3 years later opens, sobers up when will not present the filtration precipitation.

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因此,为了醒酒,你得奔赴教堂,越快越好。In order to cure your hangover, you must therefore attend church as quickly as possible.

是一款强硬的较为豪放的葡萄酒,需要一定时间来醒酒才能尽情展现风采。An uncompromising, broad-shouldered wine that needs some time to sweeten up and flesh out.

这款酒需要至少一个小时的醒酒时间,需要经过橡木桶数年的陈年。A wine that needs at least an hour of decanting or even better, several more years in the cellar.