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他不讲理。He is not amenable to reason.

这完整是不讲理。This is totally unreasonable.

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他是个心平气和而讲理的人。He is a calm and reasonable man.

你想去赫特人那儿去讲理吗?。Would you like to discuss it with the Hutts?

她对人公平、没什么脾气、并且非常讲理。She's fair, even-tempered and very reasonable.

②,和这样固执的人讲理是没用的。It is no used reasoning with shch stubborn man.

你最好心平气和地同他讲理。You'd better reason things out with him calmly.

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李先生头脑顽固,我无法与他讲理。As Mr. Lee is pigheaded, I can't reason with him.

我从没觉得他们不讲理。At no time did I feel they were being unreasonable.

我不觉得哪里强词夺理了,我也不清楚我哪里不讲理了。I also am not clear that my where is not reasonable.

因为老板太不讲理,雇员全体辞职。All employer quit because boss is so no unreasonable.

跟他讲理只会使他更加生气。Trying to reason with him only enrages him even more.

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因为老板太不讲理,雇员全体辞职。Because boss was too unreasonable, all employee was quit.

与不讲理的人争论毫无用处。It is no use arguing with the people who won't see reason.

因为老板太不讲理,雇员全体辞职。All the employees resigned as the boss is bing unreasonable.

因为老板太不讲理,雇员全体辞职。Because the boss was too unreasonable, all employees resigned.

瞧这一家人都不讲理,你别去招惹他们了。The whole family are irrational, don't deal with them any more.

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但是如果你在家里都不能无理取闹,那我还能在哪不讲理呢?If you can't be unreasonable in your own home, where can you be?

因为老板太不讲理,雇员全体辞职。All the employees resign because the employer is too unreasonable.

队友太不讲理了,故此他离开足球队。The teammates were so unreasonable that he left the football team.