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你现在是该营营长了。You're now the commanding officer.

我的营长们确实都很不错。But I did have good battalion commanders.

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营长命令兵士们沿铁轨排开。The battalion commander lined his men along the railway.

新营糖厂中兴车站待发中的营长牧场观光列车。Tourist train was standing-by at Chung-Hsing Station, Hsin-Ying.

直到现在,当一些年长的人提起他的时候,都会称他为“祁营长”。Till now, when some elder people mentioned him, they called him " Commander Qi".

然后我当旅部联络官,在那之后我终于当上营长。Then I was a brigade liaison officer. After that , I finally became a battalion commander.

林伯打算去部队跟营长要回再舜,金水、永春带众兄弟一同前往。Lin Bo going to force with the battalion commander to shun again, jinshui, series of brothers.

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新完工之营长牧场观光列车终点站,机车调车用侧线正在敷设。The new-built Ying-Chang Farm Station for tourist train terminal, a side-line was building up.

东风想要的人只有赵志毅那里有,他只好添着脸去找赵营长。Dongfeng people want only Zhao Zhiyi there, he had to face to the battalion commander Zhao tim.

那3个密码语者就会把这个信息用英语写下来,交给各自的营长。Those three code talkers would then write the message in English and give it to their commanders.

如果下雨的话,营长将命令彗星身着野战服到操场上去。If it rains, then a battalion commander will order the comet dressed in field gear to a playground up.

战士们到了村里,没想到带头的李营长就是当年抓走长文,帮了淑萍的人。The soldiers came to the village, didnt lead the long lee battalion commander was seized, helped shu ping.

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“很多战友的脚都磨破了,”陈夏勇所在部队的营长张进说。"Many of our team members suffered from foot injuries, " said Zhang Jin, battalion commander of Chen's squad.

毛毛姨夫岌岌可危,通知龙飞飞四姐妹,野战营长抢走了毛毛姨。Maomao uncle in jeopardy, notify the dragon feifei four sisters, field battalion commander robbed maomao aunt.

黄鸣锋等人先抄近路赶往司令部的前哨站仲村,房营长带着加强营随后赶来。Huang feng et first cut to command outpost zhong village, room with a battalion commander littorals came later.

步兵们试图寻找掩护,但是营长和坦克团长命令我们继续往前。Infantry tried to dig in, but orders from battalion commander and tank regiment commander made us move forward.

一九二二年考入湖南陆军军官讲武堂,毕业后在湘军任营长、团长。Hunan army officer admitted to the military academy in 1922, after graduating from Hunan Renying Chang, the head.

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一天晚上,夏令营的顾问们模仿一群俄国人来接管夏令营,还假装暗杀了营长。One night the counselors staged a Russian takeover of the camp, simulating the assassination of our camp director.

汤伯凡中了解放军营长曹山的埋伏,行动失败,与解放军周旋。Tang Bofan in ambush, Liberation Army battalion commander Cao Shan failed to deal with the people's Liberation Army.

王文忠像军队营长一样带队,通过与官媒和地方政府接洽来收集信息。Wang runs the group like a battalion, collecting intelligence from contacts with state-run media and local government.