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在一场腥风血雨的内战之后,他们于1975年上台执政。They came to power in 1975 after a bloody civil war.

然而,这事只不过是江湖腥风血雨的开始!However, it was just the beginning of a martyr runescape!

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而17世纪查尔斯一世在位的时候,也曾发动过腥风血雨的内战。Charles I's reign in the 17th century led to a bloody civil war.

她的咒语,总能掀起电视行业的“腥风血雨”。Her mantra, always set off the television industry " bloodbath."

为此,各个集团又展开了腥风血雨的殊死抢夺。Therefore, each group and opened the battles the reign of terror.

到现在为止在足球世界里,弗格森已经见识过了足够多的腥风血雨。Ferguson will have seen most things in his time in football by now.

夜晚安详的沐城,默默的在即将到来的一场腥风血雨之中颤抖着。Peaceful mu city night, silently in the upcoming an awakened a trembling.

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腥风血雨的基督超过人类,将在续集中的一般判断。The reign of Christ over mankind will be the sequel of the General Judgment.

第三,这一切都不会摧毁邪恶带来腥风血雨的正义。The third of these will destroy evil and bring forth the reign of righteousness.

而男人自古就是杀死战场,腥风血雨中夺取权势。And a man was killed since ancient times in the reign of battlefield, seize power.

在随后复活的皇帝的恐惧威胁中,海洋上又刮起了腥风血雨。Then, during the resurrected Emperor's campaign of terror, the oceans swelled with blood again.

近代中国华商保险业的发展过程中充满了“腥风血雨”。During the developing course of Chinese Insurance Industry in modern China, there was full of competition.

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也许那是整个民族的耻辱日促使其投入到太平洋战争的腥风血雨之中,投入到战争狂人希特勒肆虐的欧洲战场上。Maybe it was the day of infamy that awakened a nation to a storm in the Pacific and a madman's death march across Europe.

比如提利昂,就算处于腥风血雨之中,他仍然会说出像自己首选的武器应该是“一把斧头和一把匕首”之类的话。Even amid the blood, the guts and the mead, Tyrion notes that his preferred weapons include “an ax, a dagger, a choice remark.

说到此处,卡尔扎伊这位不知经历了多少腥风血雨考验的硬汉潸然泪下。Speaking of here, Hamid Karzai, which I do not know how many bits the reign of terror through the test of a tough guy shed a tear.

执行任务的日子终于来到,十二名队员潜入到德国军官俱乐部,等待他们将是一场腥风血雨,他们能全身而退吗?Mission day finally arrived, 12 members sneaked into the German officers club, waiting for them will be a bloodbath, they can come out alive?

但是“黑石派”仍然在找寻达摩遗体,在他们发现了“细雨”的行踪之后,一场腥风血雨的最终杀戮开始了。But the Dark Stone gang still want the remains and realise that their former member is not far away when Zeng Jing foils a bank robbery, leading to a final showdown.

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曼联将在周日迎来大撒金钱的曼城,曼奇尼的球队最近几个赛季在转会市场上掀起了腥风血雨。The Reds face big-spending City in the derby on Sunday afternoon with Roberto Mancini's side changing the complexion of the transfer market over the past couple of seasons.

晚清以来,国难迭起,西方的宪政思想在腥风血雨中传入中国。Since the latter Qing dynasty, the national disaster had occurred repeatedly, just at that time, West's constitutional government thought spread to China in the sanguinary role.