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他的劫数已定。His doom is sealed.

我一眼就知道,他就是我的劫数了。I know at a glance, he is my plunders the.

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这直接给了阿泰难逃劫数的感觉。It immediately gave Artest a sense of doom.

但今天,仍然劫数难逃。But today, we cannot escape our doomed fate.

为什么爱在我这里变成一场灾难的劫数。Why do I love this into a disaster unscathed.

万物变得更美因为注定劫数难逃。Everything is more beautiful because we're doomed.

而他,可以在劫数外,也可以在劫数内。But he, can be in unscathed outside, also can in unscathed.

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我知道自己劫数难逃,希望你们感我所为,照顾我妻子儿女。I know my doom, and commit my wife and children to your gratitude.

烦恼,永远是寻找幸福的人命中的劫数。Touble is a block-up of those who are persueing for happiness forever.

固然从年初开始通用一直在为自己的命运努力挣扎,但终究劫数难逃。SINCE the start of the year it had seemed probable and for several weeks inevitable.

这两名前锋如果双剑合璧,比利时将劫数难逃。If the two forward combination Shuangjian, Belgium Jieshuo will not be able to escape.

但是,当猎人爱上猎物的时候,他的劫数常因此肇始。But, when the hunter falls in love with prey, his inexorable doom often starts accordingly.

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我称之为对我们人际关系什么更重要混淆不清的一场大劫数。It's what I call a perfect storm of confusion about what's important in our human connections.

相反,另一些即将离任的政府则具有回光返照的活力可以延迟劫数的到来。Conversely, some moribund administrations embrace desperate hyperactivity to stave off their doom.

然而,从历史的纵轴线来看,人们每当为“自繇”思想在近代中国的劫数哀惋时,总会回溯到严复的“自繇”思想世界里。From the historical view, some people think, Yan Fu's specific interpretation of "freedom" determines its fate.

1945年5月初,即使是希特勒最狂热的支持者,也都明白“千年帝国”已是劫数难逃。At the beginning of May 1945 it was clear to even the most zealous of Hitler's followers that his "Thousand Year Reich" was doomed.

她笑的时候使人感到她仍是一个姑娘,那张半是娼妓的,饱经风霜的面容底下,隐藏着劫数难逃、但仍在挣扎的女性。When she smiled one saw the little girl, one sensed the doomed, still-struggling woman beneath the battered face of the semi-whore.

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1945年5月初,即使是希特勒最狂热的支持者,也都明白“千年帝国”已是劫数难逃。At the beginning of May of 1945 it was clear to even the most zealous of Hitler's followers that his "Thousand Year Reich" was doomed.

有趣的是如何一部份的线圈几乎是劫数除了增加一倍,其直径那里,另一半则是粉碎性骨折,压缩和碎块。Interesting how one part of the coil is almost unscathed apart from doubling its diameter where the other half is fractured, compressed and in pieces.

虽然她幸免不死,但她的攀爬能力遭到严重损害,从此无法再喝树叶上所聚集的水了,她被迫冒险去湖边喝水,这也注定了她劫数难逃。Unable to drink from water trapped by tree leaves, she would have had to venture down to the lake to drink. This would have proved to be a fateful decision.