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化学是人文科学。Chemistry is the human science.

学人文科学的报偿在何处呢?Where’s the payoff on the humanities?

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人文科学,我们必须选,Humanities class, we're required to take,

人文科学专业论文写作知识。Secondly, The writing knowledge of humanities thesis.

它是人文科学的国家组织。And ACLS is the nantional organization in the humanities.

最终这门人文科学越走越远。Ultimately the truth about this human science goes deeper.

新生的必修课,比如人文科学,And you know, freshmen requirement classes like IHUM, the humanities class

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现今的人文科学研究,往往利用电脑科技作支援。Today, research in the humanities is often supported by computer technology.

当我们再次提出为什么今天还要有人学习人文科学时,我觉得这个问题问得并不恰当。Which again raises the question of why anyone would study the humanities today.

就像他喜欢说的那样,他生活在科技与人文科学的交汇点上。As he liked to say, he lived at the intersection of technology and liberal arts.

他各人文科学和教给到死,死在仲心灵。He teaches all liberal sciences and gives account of dead souls that died in sin.

学习自然科学的学生比学习人文科学的学生有更多的亲人患孤独症。Science students also have more relatives with autism than those in the humanities.

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想想人文科学和社会科学中一拨又一拨的时髦潮流的垄断地位。Think of the tyranny of fashion that besets the humanities and the social sciences.

科斯捷利尼克博士玛乔丽是教育和人文科学学院院长。Dr. Marjorie J. Kostelnik is the Dean of the College of Education and Human Sciences.

南非人文科学研究文员会称,这项研究的结果是非常有前途的。South Arica's Human Sciences Research Council says the findings of its study are promising.

从现代审美视野看,工程美学应为美学的一个分支,属人文科学的哲学范畴。Engineering aesthetics is a branch of aesthetics and belongs to the philosophy of humanities.

我觉得纽约大学是个不错的学校,这里有绝对不同的心态,它更注重于人文科学,I think that NYU is a great school, definitely different mindset, much more liberal arts focused,

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耶鲁由人文科学研究院和其他13个职业院系组成。Yale is comprised of the College, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and 13 professional schools.

章辉认为实践美学没有吸收西方新的人文科学知识而走向终结。Zhanghui argues that practice aesthetics has ended without absorbing the western new humanities knowledge.

对于新生,我实在无法想象不把人文科学当作必修课。I, I can't imagine not taking some kind of humanities class, just as a requirement, you know, for freshman.