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我妻子能歌善舞。My wife is able to sing and dance.

那里的女孩子都能歌善舞。The girls there can sing and dance.

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她能歌善舞,既是演员也是模特。She sings, she dances, she acts and she models.

蒙古族人真是能歌善舞啊。Mogolian are really good at dancing and singing.

其实,我也挺能歌善舞的。In fact, I'm also skilled at singing and dancing.

这些朋友个个都能歌善舞。These friends are all skilled at singing and dancing.

在录用资格条件中并不包括要能歌善舞。The qualifications did not include the ability to sing and dance.

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当地的居民十分好客,而且各个能歌善舞。Most of the local residents are experts at dancing and very welcoming.

嘉绒藏族是一个能歌善舞的民族,以歌舞敬酒、劝酒。Jiarong Tibetan nationality is a people being good at dancing and singing.

你如何取代一个能歌善舞的“全球最性感男人”来主持奥斯卡?How do you replace the all-singing, all-dancing "sexiest man alive" as Oscars host?

如果你去怒江旅游,就能看到能歌善舞的怒族人。If you visit the River Nu, you will meet some Nu people who are good at both singing and dancing.

它有古老独特的文化传统,是一个能歌善舞的民族。This is a nation filled with special traditional culture and a nation keen on dancing and singing.

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冠鹤来自非洲。这是一种能歌善舞的鸟,而且和人类很友好。Crowned Cranes come from Africa. They are good at dancing and singing, also very friendly to humans.

那个风光明媚的小岛上的居民,无论男女老少,都能歌善舞。The inhabitants on that scenic isle, male and female, old and young, are good at singing and dancing.

他能歌善舞,尽管自己的童年痛苦艰辛,他却懂得如何让别人欢笑。He could sing and dance. Although his own boyhood was painfully hard, he knew how to make people laugh.

他们都能歌善舞,为了获得全国合唱团比赛的胜利而努力奋斗。All of them can either sing or dance, and they work together to win the national show choir competition.

他们还找到了一只同样能歌善舞的非洲灰鹦鹉,并对它进行了相同的试验。They have also found a similarly talented African grey parrot, and conducted the same experiments on that.

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我们在这里真正体验了一回壮家人民的淳朴善良、能歌善舞、热情好客。We are here to experience a strong return to the honest people of good family, both singing and dancing, the hospitality.

农历三月初三那天,我在一片欢快的歌声中接近了那些能歌善舞的畲家人。On the 3rd of the 3rd lunar month, amid the sound of merry songs, I approached those She people, who are good singers and dancers.

我们需要一个喜欢与儿童相处,英语口语好,能歌善舞的英语老师。We need an English teacher with good skills to be with children, fluent English speaking ability, and confidence of singing & dancing.