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这小子还击了。The kid fought back.

他对我的强击进行还击。He countered my blow.

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杰克向射击者还击。Jack fires back at the assailant.

我击中他,他马上进行还击。I hit him and he quickly countered.

你怎么知道向哪儿还击呢?How do you know where to strike back?

如果他打了你,你为什么不还击?If he hit you, why didn't you fight back?

几个星期过去了,北方军向城里炮击,南方军也随之还击。Weeks passed. The Union army shelled the city.

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他既然攻击我,我当然还击。When he attacked me, naturally I st ruck back.

比尔改组了微软并进行了还击。Bill retooled Microsoft to respond to the threat.

事实上,IDSF从不对WDC的行为进行还击。In fact, IDSF never takes action in reaction to WDC.

其真实邓文迪那一下还击之前,你很就能容易的留意到邓文迪。Even before the slap, it was hard not to notice Deng.

他说,罢工工人向警方投掷燃烧弹还击。Strikers fought back, hurling firebombs at police, he said.

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沃尔什受了伤,但是仍然向射击他的人还击了几枪。Walsh is wounded but is able to shoot back at his assailant.

绿武士们也用他们的武器还击。The green warriors were firing back with their deadly rifles.

他说他到时候要对控告他的人进行还击。He said he would kick back at his accusers when the time came.

伊朗则反复强调将对任何攻击予以还击。Iran has repeatedly said it would react with force to any attack.

相信的意念可能是对食物和情绪之间的联系的最好的还击。And believing may just be the best shot at a food-mood connection.

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对北瓦齐里斯坦的袭击还击中了附近的一所房屋。The strike in the North Waziristan region also hit a house nearby.

刘易斯低头躲过,向外抵挡,用右手交叉拳还击。Lewis bobs, parries outside and counter-punches with the right cross.

这个搏击手低头躲过,向外抵挡,用右交叉拳还击。The fighter bobs, parries outside and hits back with the right cross.