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这是哈丽特的手迹。This is the script of Harriet.

他证明那是他妻子的手迹。He certified it was his wife‘s handwriting.

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图书馆墙上这幅字迹苍遒的对联,正是鲁迅的手迹。This antithetical couplet hanging in the library was written by Lu Hsun.

匾额是本焕长老的手迹。This is a horizontal inscribed board of Huan-Presbyterian original handwriting.

一个邮寄来的包裹,用牛皮纸包着,上面的手迹非常熟悉。The package came in the mail, wrapped in brown paper and with a familiar hand script on it.

笔迹学,是指通过某人的手迹揭示出此人的性格特点。Graphology is the study of how a person's handwriting reveals his or her personality traits.

这时我看着汉娜的手迹,看到那笔迹耗费了她多大的精力和努力啊。Then I looked at Hanna`s handwriting and saw how much energy and struggle the writing had cost her.

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另外,经过训练能够识别一个人的手迹的软件也已经开发出来。In addition, software has been developed that can be taught to recognize an individual's handwriting.

北印度语与巴基斯坦的主要语言,用阿拉伯语手迹写成的乌尔都语相当接近。Hindi is closely related to Urdu , the main language of Pakistan, which is written with the Arabic script.

如今,六棵榕树早已不在,但大诗人千年前留下的手迹竟还能在殿前的大门上看得清清楚楚。The banyan trees are long gone but one can still see the characters he wrote hanging above the temple's gateway.

我很怀疑这信,翻来覆去,没有看见这个人的手迹,连他的姓名也由打字机出品。I turned it over and could not find a line of his handwriting. Even his signature was produced by the typewriter.

辛树帜先生论中外科学大律提纲手迹新近发现。Mr. Xin Shuzhi's original manuscript of an outline of the Chinese and foreign science laws has been found recently.

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她在那出现本身就象提交给法庭的一种罪证,一份手迹,一件凶案的遗物,一些可怕的证据。Her being there at all had the character of ugly evidence, of handwritings, of profaned relics, of grim things produced in court.

在他身旁,看见一个小女孩在用长而尖的藏文手迹整理卡片,暗示了这所学校的典型性。Alongside him, the sight of a little girl arranging cards with spiky Tibetan script hints that this school is anything but typical.

他满怀崇拜他重读了她的信,端详着她的手迹,钟爱看她的一笔一划,最后还亲吻了她的签名。He reread the letter adoringly, dwelling over her handwriting, loving each stroke of her pen, and in the end kissing her signature.

当埃文斯在克诺索斯发现文字,他找到两种,事实上他一共找到了七种,不过只有两种被认为比较重要,这两种手迹When Evans found writing at Knossos, he found two-- well, he actually found seven, but only two that turned out to be significant-- two kinds of script.

王棻后裔迄今还保存着俞樾撰书的一副楹联手迹,是研究地方历史文化,探讨俞樾王棻交往的珍贵文物资料。Until now, the descendant of Wang has preserved an antithetical couplet which is a costful material for the study on the history and the friendship of Yu and Wang.

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人民英烈厅内的烈士英名录记载了1089名英烈的姓名,同时馆内还展出千余幅书法界名人手迹。The people's Heroes Hall of the martyrs of the British list record 1089 heroic name, at the same time the museum also exhibits more than 1000 calligraphy celebrities.

我爱上了那些十四世纪的账簿中线条优雅、边缘尖尖、笔触轻快的手迹,欣赏那些文艺复兴时期意大利大使精致、圆润、极具人文精神的字迹。I came to love the neat, sharp-sided, airy script of 14th-century account books, and to admire the delicately rounded humanistic hand of Renaissance Italian ambassadors.

在苹果谷,洛杉矶东北部沙漠中的一个机场,一面旅店的墙上贴着60年来经过此地的飞行员的手迹。At Apple Valley, an airport in the desert northeast of Los Angeles, a restaurant wall is decorated with handwritten messages from 60 years’ worth of pilots who’ve passed through.