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这已经开创了公开叫价。This has created a public outcry.

他自己艰苦地开创了一番事业。He hewed out a career for himself.

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不仅开创了新的暴力。Only violence inaugurates the new.

政治家必须有开创精神。A statesman must display initiative.

我们要开创社会新风尚。We should initiate a new social custom.

见诸行动的理想,定能把世界开创!Vision with action can change the world.

文曲星开心英语沙龙,开创英语听说新生活!Kaixin English Salon, enjoy you new life!

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开创蓝海的机会就在眼前。Blue ocean opportunities have been out there.

我对你们在这里所开创的生活很好奇。I'm intrigued by the life you've created here.

马基雅维利开创了先河。Machiavelli, you might say, cleared the brush.

这本书开创了一个由五本书组成的系列。The book that kicked off the five-book trilogy.

与穆里尼奥一起,我们整支队伍取得了许多荣誉,我们开创了切尔西的豪门史。We achieved many things together, with the team.

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珍妮扬森开创德拉库拉伯爵球迷俱乐部。Jeanne Youngson founds The Count Dracula Fan Club.

灿瑞半导体期待与合作伙伴一起开创美好的明天!So, OCS will have a good future with our partners.

文化建设开创新局面。A new situation was created in cultural development.

让我们同心协力,携手共进,开创未来。Let us work together hand in hand, create the future.

现在利瓦伊·斯特劳斯开创的公司已经世界闻名。Today the company he started is known around the world.

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我们开创了科学方法和证据规则。We developed the scientific method and laws of evidence.

我们更会勾画美好蓝图,开创每一个上外人自己的锦绣前程。We will draw a blueprint to create our own bright future.

你还在等什么?快来顶尖英语让你脱胎换骨,开创成功未来!Come to Tip-Top English, We Have What You Need to Succeed!