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但是这普遍被认为是一个无需在意的细枝末节。But that was widely shrugged off as a minor detail.

无线接入是一个细枝末节,任何时候提供这种服务的成本都很低廉。The wireless access, cheap to provide at any time, is a side-issue.

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你的救星就是时时刻刻描述那些细枝末节。Your salvation lies in a moment-by-moment recounting of the minutiae.

勒庞再次称纳粹毒气室是“细枝末节”。Mr Le Pen has again called the Nazi gas chambers "a detail of history".

八卦小报费尽心思,企图从细枝末节中发现文娱价值。Tabloid gossip derives its entertainment value from subtle suggestions.

总统不需要管这种细枝末节的事。The president doesn't need to involve herself with this kind of minutia.

他说,“这些细枝末节,可能使他们觉得你更加亲切友好。”"On the margin, it might push them to see you more favorably, " he said.

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你可以回顾几个月前的聊天记录,具体到细枝末节。You can go back and search for details of an exchange you had months ago.

最后,我还想跟您闲扯一下,我在查询相关资料时所碰到的细枝末节。Finally, I’d like to tell you about a bit of trivia I bumped into on this.

在徒手生死格斗中,细枝末节很快就会被忘掉。The trimmings are soon forgotten in a hand-to-hand encounter for life or death.

你很少花时间来反思——或者偶尔花时间在自以为是的细枝末节中。You spend little of your time in reflection – or sometimes in asocial niceties.

分散注意力-期限能够使你将注意力集中在一个目标上面,避免一些无关紧要的细枝末节。Distractions –Deadlines keep you focused on the objective and away from minutia.

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但她无视这一切细枝末节,因为野兽有颗爱人的心!But she ignored all that unimportant trivia, because the Beast had a loving heart!

在今年的上半年,完成长期的计划并处理好细枝末节。For the first half of the year, complete long-term projects and tie up loose ends.

该法案涵盖了所有的这些问题,但也有太多细枝末节。The bill covers all of these topics, but also countless sideshows and boondoggles.

尽管官方的口风很紧,还是有一些细枝末节的信息从雷蒙德大院里跑了出来。Though officially tight-lipped, snippets of information have escaped Redmond's walls.

这地盘和军队都是细枝末节。与其在拥有多少地盘和军队上斤斤计较,我们何不各党派联合起来呢?The turf and army are minor details. Rather than haggle over them, why not unify all the parties?

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法国人说道,“现在,我们终于了解了乙级联赛,尽管还有一些细枝末节需要处理。”Now we have finally understood what Serie B is like, although there are still a few small details to work on.

我之前说过,不要过多拘泥于细枝末节,但在阅读对话时应该谨记,细节很重要As I say, don't worry about any of those details now, but it's a point to keep in mind as you read the dialogues.

如果我在这个国家某个地方见到这所房子,这个梦境会延续得更长一些,或者我会更好地记得它的细枝末节。If I see the house somewhere in the country , the dream is more long-drawn-out, or I remember its details better.