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所有显圣者的启示者啊!O Thou Revealer of every Manifestation!

天主经在天我等父者,我等愿尔名显圣。Our Father in heaven,hallowed by your name.

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死后在各地海洋河泊等处显圣。After his death, he comes to the oceans and rivers as logs.

在显圣物中,神圣与世俗表现出一种完全的异质性。In hierophany, the sacred and the profane represent absolute heterogeneity.

另一版本甚至说她被尊为圣人,并且被认为是显圣。In others she is regarded almost as saintly and miracles are attributed to her.

早在西晋时期,中国的“亿万富翁”就开始人前显圣了。As early as West Jin period, the Chinese billionaires began to show off their wealth.

难道这是传说中的神鸟,飞到这块宝地显圣来了?Is this the fabled Holy Bird flying to this treasure-ground to make its presence felt?

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身为显圣的器皿,我们接受并承载基督,而祂就通过我们的存在展现在世人面前。As vessels we receive and contain Christ that He might be expressed through our entire being.

本日捐款包括�通银行和显圣容天主堂幼稚园。Today's contributors including the First American International Bank and the Transfiguration Church Kindergarten.

拉斯拉哈斯大教堂建于瓜伊塔拉河的河谷之内,据说是圣母玛利亚显圣的地方。Built inside the canyon of the Guaitara River, Las Lajas was said to be the site of an apparition of the Virgin Mary.

加拿大广播电视标准委员会说,显圣电视台不应当播出其“今日力量”栏目中的一辑节目。The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council said Vision TV had been wrong to show an episode of "Power Today" hosted by U.

奇怪的是人们谈论奇迹,显圣,启示用的是过去的口气,而爱情长存。It is strange that men will talk of miracles, revelation, inspiration, and the like, as things past, while love remains.

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本文主要探讨教育的神圣意涵,并且以学校运动会作为教育「显圣」的媒介。The study aims to explore the holiness of education and manifests the sacred in education by means of school sports day.

他梦见以弗所的女神狄安娜在他面前显圣,命令他到以弗所她的神庙去。His dream was, thAT Diana, the goddess of the Ephesians, appeared to him, and commanded him to go to her temple AT Ephesus.

所以,此刻我们也在大博尔山,在显圣容的基督跟前,祂是如此的华丽,祂的人性是蒙受祝福的。And so we too are present on Tabor before our transfigured Christ, who is totally beautiful and blessed in His personal humanity.

显圣电视台的节目编排总监为这个节目辩护,声称夏巴赫并没有鼓动任何人去伤害同性恋者。The director of programming at Vision TV defended the program, saying Schambach had not suggested anyone try to harm homosexuals.

我们先处理文本的部分,然后根据玛窦福音显圣容的经文加以诠释。First we will treat of the context and then present a reading and commentary on the Gospel of the Transfiguration according to Matthew.

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为纪念卢德圣母显圣150周年,法国卢德一个宗教商店正出售各式的纪念品。A religious shop sells souvenirs on 150th anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes to Bernadette Soubirous, in Lourdes, France.

1924年,中国教会领袖在上海开会教皇认可东麓显圣事件。In 1924, 25 years before the communists came to power, papal recognition of the Donglu apparition was sought by the first meeting of Chinese church leaders.

卡米看到了显圣,毫不犹豫立刻行动了。他无声无息收拾好行装,一步步跳下狭窄的岩架,从洞口一直指向山崖脚下。Kami saw a vision and didn't hesitate. Noiselessly gathering his equipment, he scampered down the narrow ledge leading from the cave mouth to the foot of the cliff.