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风从南边吹来。The wind blows from south.

咯吱,从南边来的!Shriek, it's from the south!

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小区南边就是南馆公园。Area south of the South Hall Park.

法国在英国的南边。France is to the south of England.

在榻上,透过南边的窗户Here in bed, through the south window

加利福尼亚位于大广场的南边。California is just south of the Piazza.

按照我回落到南边。Follow me back down into the southside.

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在南边我可以看见金茂大厦。To the south I can see the Jinmao Tower.

他把球打到南边的看台上去。He clouted the ball into the south stands.

我是在芝加哥的南边养大的。I was raised on the South Side of Chicago.

你可以参加南边草坪上的槌球游戏。You can engage in croquet on the south lawn.

一条沟作为南边那块地产的边界。A ravine delimited the property on the south.

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双鱼座位于仙女座的南边。Pisces is a constellation south of Andromeda.

一只小鸟飞到南边去过冬。A little chook was flying south for the Winter.

在加利福尼亚州的特卡特南边,面包车抛锚了。South of Tecate, California, the van broke down.

第三,天气也与我国南边差不离。Thellord, the weather and almost southern Chellona.

这些卡宾枪再被提供给南边的越共游击队。These carbines were in turn given to the Viet Cong.

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他四下看了看,发现南边有一座高高的塔楼。He looked around and found a tall tower in the south.

狼进了南边羊群后,就开始吃羊。South of the wolf into the sheep, it starts Chi Yang.

在罗卡维南边的一个小巷里,他们把我拦在一个角落里。They cornered me in the alley just south of Rockaway.