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羊毛,开司米还有浅色丝绸。Wools, cashmeres, and light colored silks.

也许这会是一件没有扣子的开司米羊毛衫。Maybe it's a cashmere cardigan without buttons.

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我们买一件开司米毛衣代替朋友的忠告。We buy a cashmere cardigan as a substitute for the counsel of friends.

科尔于是就称赞了萨伊德身上那件特别雅致的开司米毛衫。Cole complimented Said on his particularly “gorgeous” cashmere sweater.

棉,涤纶,开司米,尼龙,竹纤维等。Material incluedes cotton, polyester, cashmere, nylon and bamboo fiber and so on.

她弯下身,把一件开司米毛衣,摆在地板上的一条黑色长裤上面。She leaned over and set a red cashmere sweater on the floor, on top of black pants.

如果她的一件开司米毛衣上有个洞,她通常会找手工师傅把洞补起来。If she has a hole in a cashmere sweater, she often looks for an artisan who can reweave it.

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如果她的一件开司米毛衣上有个洞,她通常会找手工师傅把洞补起来。If she has a hole in a cashmere sweater, she often looks for an artisan who can reweave it.

这些国家生产一种开司米丝织的地毯比中国的便宜。These countries produce a type of cashmere silk woven carpets cheaper than those from China.

她们拿去了我们前一天用过的花束,借用我们的开司米披肩。They end up with the flowers we were given the night before, and they borrow our Indian shawls.

我也喜欢开司米,尤其是在旅行的时候,因为它暖和,不用穿很多层。I like cashmere also, especially when I travel, because it's warm and I don't need so many layers.

我不知道谁会喜欢一件另类的绿色开司米毛衣搭配一把水壶和一台烤土司机。I don't know anyone who would like a bogey green cashmere jumper with a matching kettle and toaster.

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克什米尔细毛山羊生产出开司米羊绒,安哥拉山羊生产出——你觉得我们会说是安哥拉呢?Cashmere goats produce cashmere and Angora goats produce -- did you think we were going to say angora?

开司米羊一般比安哥拉羊大。他们可以长到绵羊和牛的大小。Cashmere goats are generally larger than Angoras. They can grow big enough to be kept with sheep and cattle.

这就是为何零售商故意将例如大衣、开司米毛衣这样具有吸引力的商品放在人们容易触及到的地方。That's why retailers purposely put inviting items like coats and cashmere sweaters in easy-to-touch locations.

晚上布吕丹丝告辞的时候,抱怨天气太冷,要求玛格丽特把开司米披肩借给她。That evening, as she was going, Prudence complained of the cold and asked Marguerite to lend her an Indian shawl.

开司米山羊一般都比安哥拉山羊大,它们能长得足够大到可以跟其他牛羊一起饲养。Cashmere goats are usually larger than Angoras . They can grow big enough to be kept with sheep and cattle. The cattle.

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帐是一定得还的,为了不向您要钱,她卖掉了马匹和开司米披肩,当掉了首饰。She had to pay of course, and to avoid asking you for money, she sold her horses and her Indian shawls and pawned her jewels.

该公司从牧人手中购买柔软的牦牛纤维,然后制成上等的“牦牛开司米”毛毯和毛衣,出售给富裕的城里人。The company buys downy yak fiber from the herders and makes upscale 'yashmere' blankets and sweaters for sale to wealthy city dwellers.

她身上穿一件宽松的浅灰色开司米晨衣,上面绣着颜色素净的花样,脚上穿的拖鞋也是浅灰色的。She was loosely wrapped in a cashmere dressing-gown of gray-white, embroidered in half-mourning tints, and she wore slippers of the same hue.