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您要织补还是要贴补。Do you want the hole patched or darned?

他极需这笔钱贴补家用。He wanted that money badly to help at home.

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她靠在家里替人洗衣服贴补家用。She supported her family by taking in laundry.

吐温在放学后开始打零工来挣些钱贴补家用。Twain began taking odd jobs after school to bring in extra cash.

他们甚至叫我去打工来贴补家用。They even got me to work part-time to help with the family expenses.

本校经费主要来源为学费,不足之数由筹款活动贴补本校。The main source of income for PVCS comes from tuition and fundraising.

其中一个合伙人需要现金贴补家用,我们是否应该给他发薪水?One of my co-founders needs cash to pay the bills, do we give him a salary?

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自己嫁妆来贴补,引得众人称羡。、。Oneself trousseau to subsidize, lead to obtain public advocate a person to adore.

此后,人们又逐渐研究发展出腹腔内网片镶嵌贴补技术。This was followed by the development of the intraperitoneal onlay mesh technique.

但是她的丈夫已经掏空他的农场账户来贴补家庭开支了。But her husband is already raiding his farm account to pay for household expenses.

贵格则在坦帕时报兼职,拍照片来贴补家用,现在他也和杰夫和瑞塔在老鹰广告公司共事!To make more money . and now he s working with jeff and rita at eagle advertising !

第二目标是,防止在转移银行债务过程中用纳税人的钱贴补银行股东。Its second goal is to avoid enriching bank shareholders at the expense of taxpayers.

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另一方面,台企则是一个贴补空缺的好人选。On the other hand the Taiwanese companiesare a perfect candidate to fill in the gap.

蒙郡政府贴补部份费用,不足之数由参加者乐捐。The remaining cost is supported by the donations from the participants or other sources.

刚刚读完五年级,她就被父亲拽出学校,打短工贴补家用。She completed the fifth grade before her father pulled her out of school to help with chores.

他们反倒更积极让你去工作,以赚取额外的钱贴补家用。Eg. They have been more eager to make you work in order to have a little extra money for the family.

其实房屋买卖中装修费的贴补是十补九不足,意思意思,两厢情愿的事。In fact, the sale of housing renovation costs for nine income is less than 10, meaning that, sex thing.

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已经快六十岁了,因为没有工作就一直做着能贴补家用的小买卖。Has been fast 60 years old, because no work has been doing to supplement the family income of small businesses.

一般认为这有助于培养他们的独立性同时贴补家用。People generally believe it is good for children to become more independent as well as providing them extra income.

通过有限元方法对贴补法和挖补法进行了研究,给出了贴补修理和挖补修理的最佳设计参数选择方案。In this work, FEM analysis was researched on the above two methods, and the scheme of parameter selection was provided.