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街沟中淤积着污物。The gutters were choked with filth.

疏浚解决河口淤积问题只治标。Dredging is only a temporary solution to this problem.

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航道被沙土淤积堵塞,因此船舶不能使用它了。The channel had chocked up with sand so that boats couldn't use it.

三角洲周围的棕褐色水体则是泥沙淤积的结果。The tan-colored waters around the river delta are full of sediment.

委员会已经成功减轻了洪水和泥沙淤积的状况。The commission has succeeded in reducing flooding and sedimentation.

骨盆腔有血液淤积,说明当时她的心脏还在跳动。Pooling in the pelvic cavity. Which means her heart was stillpumping.

历史阿期荆江河床淤积速率的评估。The evaluation on silting rate of Jing River bed in historical times.

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临港工业区以南侧造成大面积的淤积。Extensive siltation was caused to the south of Lingang Industrial Zone.

血液暂缓流动的附带结果之一即为血液的暂时淤积。A by-product of this halt to blood-flow is the temporary backup of blood.

没想到它减缓了河水流速,加速了淤积——以及泛滥。Instead, it slowed the river's current, increasing siltation—and flooding.

实现河道无淤积,水面清洁,引排通畅。Siltation of the river without realizing, surface cleaning, cited platoon fluid.

河里的泥沙淤积在这里,年深日久便成了沙洲。The bar was formed by the mud and sand deposited here over a long period of time.

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本文阐述了溯源淤积和侵蚀基准面的概念。This paper dwells the concepts of retrogressive aggradation and the datum of erosion.

顺岸式桩基码头前沿会发生较为严重的泥沙淤积。There is a serious sediment deposition in the wharf apron of an alongshore pile wharf.

二期工程的取、排水口布置,与该区域的淤积关系甚大。The engineering layout of its second stage has a close relationship with sedimentation.

连云港庙岭开敞式港池的泥沙淤积预报,已于1981年3月提出。This paper deals with the siltation problem of an unsheltered basin of Lianyun Harbour.

由于河道有污物淤积,在汛期还会造成雨水倒灌现象。As a dirt siltation of rivers in flood season will cause rainwater intrusion phenomenon.

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大量的泥沙淤积,竟然导致中国第二大河无法通航大吨位船舶。A lot of sedimentation , has led China's second largest river shipping tonnage ships can not.

因此,采取适当措施减少该形式港池口门处的淤积是十分必要的。So it is important to take proper measures to reduce the sedimentation at the basin entrance.

她经过喝房间地板上淤积的臭水来保持身体水分,但是却没有食物。She managed to keep hydrated by drinking filthy water pooled upon the floor, but there was no food.