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难道还是行不通吗?Wouldn't that do it?

长远来说行不通。Not in the long term.

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这个计划行不通。This plan won't work.

这种方法再也行不通了。The way no longer obtains.

他提出的办法是行不通的。His suggestion is not workable.

这样粗枝大叶是行不通的。Such carelessness will never do.

因此,我觉得这概念是行不通的。To me, this is an unfeasible idea.

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照这样下去是行不通的。If we go on like this, we'll get nowhere.

在这里,喧哗吵闹、低级庸俗的谈话是绝对行不通的。Loud crude talk is a definite no-no here.

如果行不通的话,我们再想别的方法吧。And if not, then we will change our plans.

他会坚持说我们的计划行不通。He insists that our plan is impracticable.

那些新建筑物的设计图是行不通的。Those new building plans are impracticable.

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因此把细胞作为病毒培养基行不通So cell culture production wasn't an option.

逐一解释为什么这些概念是行不通的。Explain point by point why the ideas won’t work.

这是我听过最疯狂的计划,行不通的。That is the most cockamamie plan I've ever heard.

不消信用卡的想法几乎是行不通的。The notion of having no plastic is barely feasible.

禁用所有的食品添加剂是行不通的。It would be impracticable to ban all food additives.

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记住任何情况下暴力都是行不通的。Remember there is no situation where violence is OK.

那些新的商务大楼的设计图是行不通的。Those new business building plans are impracticable.

我们的调节措施会分为几个行不通的部分。we have regulation divided up in crazy archaic ways.