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我们得做大量习题。We've got tons of exercises.

最好的方法是做习题。The best way is to do exercises.

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李老师总是呕心沥血地为我们精选习题。Mr Li always selects exercises for us.

别总坐在那里做习题。Don't always sit there doing your exercises.

做一个简单的习题就可以支持我们的假设。A simple exercise helps support our hypothesis.

但愿你们都做了这份习题。Hopefully you have a copy of the practice exam.

电影已下手至极钟了。现在完成进行时习题。The film has ended up being on for ten minutes.

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那节课,我花了很多的时间去思考那道习题。On that class, I spent lots of time thinking over it.

下课后她把习题从黑板上擦掉。She rubbed the exercises off the blackboard after class.

短暂休息后,大家继续做那道习题。They went on doing the same exercise after a short rest.

选择题是物理习题中的常见题型。Multiple choice questions are common in physics exercise.

这也是习题册上的一道思考题This is what I want you to think about on the Problem Set.

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也不过是多做几回习题,总有一天会过关的!It just means practicing a few more times. Someday you'll pass!

老师要我们在教室里做完所有的习题。The teacher asked that all the exercises be finsihed_ in class.

那它的形状呢?,再来一道关于氨分子的课堂习题?And what is the shape, for one more clicker question on ammonia?

这里有个同样的习题,大体看起来是一样的。So here's a program set up in the same way, main looks the same.

而我却在泡泡里嗅到了浓厚的习题的味道。I, however, a strong smell in the bubble years of the Problem taste.

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本课程包含了习题,置放在作业区中。This course includes problem sets, found in the assignments section.

“事实上,多数老师都会给出习题或旧试题”她说。"Most teachers give out practice exams and old exams anyway," she said.

啮合中每一齿轮的规格与习题18-1中齿轮的规格相同。Each of the mating gears has the same specifications as in problem 18-1.