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但表面却异常平静,好象成竹在胸。But on the surface he looks calm & ready.

但表面却异常平静,好象成竹在胸。But on the surface he looks calm and ready.

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对于续约一事,你是否一直都成竹在胸?Were you always confident a deal would be done?

在街道上每一个人都是慢悠悠得,从容不迫,如同成竹在胸一般。Every man on the street is leisurely, leisurely, like a plan.

这个学生平时定期复习功课,所以考试之前他一直成竹在胸。The student reviews his lessons regularly, so he always feels prepared before examinations.

与其说他的头脑中没有任何想法,不如说他已成竹在胸。That there should be anything more to it than that was a thought that never entered his head.

麦克唐纳虽然还没有公开自己的设计计划,不过他表示21世纪的设计理念已经成竹在胸。Although MacDonald has not yet gone public with his planned design, he says he has a 21st Century concept in mind.

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你有许多好点子迫不及待想要提出来,你对解决问题成竹在胸,你认为自己总是与众不同的。All the great ideas you were going to bring, the problems you knew you could solve, the difference you were going to make.

这一举动表明美国政府已经准备好撤走其金融市场中相当重要的一根支柱并对此成竹在胸。The move signaled that policy makers were confident enough to remove one of their emergency props for the financial markets.

如果一个女人能在纽约单身熬到三十五六的话,那么她必定对如何获得她想要的东西成竹在胸。If a woman has survived single in New York until her mid-thirties, chances are she knows a thing or two about how to get what she wants.

如果奥巴马总统真的有大手笔的主动出击经济方案成竹在胸,如他最近暗示的那样,那么现在是时候和我们一起分享了。If President Obama has a big economic initiative up his sleeve, as he hinted recently, now would be a good time to let the rest of us in on it.

放眼未来,我们成竹在胸,让我们铭记这段历史,回应我们的命运,再次重塑这个世界。With an eye toward the future, with resolve in our hearts, let us remember this history and answer our destiny and remake the world once again.

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美国政府一直积极试图施以援手,但遭到了苏联礼貌的拒绝,苏联人称他们已成竹在胸。The U.S. Government steppedforward to offer assistance, but the Soviets politely rejected it, saying thatthey had the mean s to deal with the situation.

在现实中,尽管盖茨的头发总是乱糟糟的,又长着张娃娃脸,不修边幅,他可是个老练的生意人,每走一步都成竹在胸。In reality, Gates is a smooth operator who, despite his uncombed hair, baby face and disheveled appearance, knew exactly what he was doing every step of the way.

它的重要性使分子生物学家对他们的研究课题由开始的成竹在胸到后来的几乎一无所知。As important, molecular biologists have gone from thinking that they know roughly what is going on in their subject to suddenly realising that they have barely a clue.

杨冕不属于那种极端感性的艺术家,他在创作前总要左右掂量反复把玩某个其实已经成竹在胸的概念给自己一个理由先。Yang Mian is not an extremely sensual artist. Before his creation, he always religiously thinks about some concept already existing in his mind – he gives himself a reason first.

2000年NASA表示有可能启动这样的项目时,大家都已成竹在胸,对于如何通过飞近探测冥王星来优化我们的科学认知有了一些相当清晰的计划。By the time NASA announced the opportunity for a Pluto mission in 2000, everyone was ready with some pretty clear plans for how to optimize the science that could be done via a flyby.