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把手放在心口前。In Herz und in Hand.

你心口会痛?It's a blow to the solar plexus. Right?

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妈妈,他用手捂着心口呢!And, mother, he has his hand over his heart!

持续严重心口痛,恶心,呕吐。Persistent severe epigastric pain, nausea, or vomiting.

本来就在病中,这家伙又往我心口刺进了一把钢刀。Already ill, this guy went, my chest pierced a steel knife.

他真是个又奇怪又伤心的人,总是用手捂着心口!A strange, sad man is he, with his hand always over his heart!

他用手捂着心口,“看到鳗鱼时,我感觉很好。He put his hand over his heart. "When I look at eels, I feel good.

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“那他还会用手捂着心口吗?”珠儿探询着。"And will he always keep his hand over his heart?" inquired Pearl.

我热切的双手把空虚压在我的心口,压碎了我的心。My eager hands press emptiness to my heart and it bruises my heart.

心口微微一突,感觉到血脉的急流。Center of the chest tiny tiny one Tu, feel the rushing new of blood.

这和牧师用手捂住心口都是出于同样的原因!It is for the same reason that the minister keeps his hand over his heart!

她绣的那个宇,针针线线全都扎到她心口上呢。Not a stitch in that embroidered letter, but she has felt it in her heart.

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堆积的思念涌上心口,一时之间竟哽咽了喉。Accumulation thoughts into words, momentary unexpectedly sighed the throat.

她转身冲着右边的墙壁,用双手捂住心口哆嗦起来。She faced the wall to her right. She put her hands on her heart, and shook.

塞缪儿不置可否的耸了耸肩。“我心口有个孔,”他指着自己的胸部说到。Samuel shrugs. “I got a hole in my heart,” he says touching finger to chest.

产品包括耳环,颈錬,手鍊和心口针等。The products include earrings, necklaces, bracelets , scarf clip and brooches.

“她第一次说到这个的时候,我的心口像重重的挨了一闷棍,”他说道。“The first time she said it, it felt like I got kicked in the chest, ” he said.

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全意爱你!爱你在心口难开,我已经陷的太深。I've been dying to see you when leave Nanping, and I love you with all my heart!

双手拢在胸前,双腿收到心口,把自己裹得紧紧的。Long in the chest with both hands, legs received heart, wrapped himself tightly.

牧师总用手捂着心口,他想掩藏什么呢?What is it that the minister seeks to hide, with his hand always over his heart?