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我们的悉心照料得到了回报。Our care paid off.

我相信回报。I believe in paybacks.

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听起来比较理性,但是这样做你会得到很大的回报。But it’s payoffs are huge.

你的付出会得到回报的。It repays your labour well.

凯西向艾凡回报。Kathy reports back to Evan.

回报较低Well, the payoffs are lower.

不要吨期望快速回报。D. Don't expect fast returns.

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她会回报我对她的爱吗?。Will she ever requite my love?

此外,这些回报必须基于成果而定。And they must be results-based.

你的回报是变本加利地侮辱我。In return you insulted me more.

他那样做是为了回报社会。He did that to pay back society.

你的刻苦努力得到了回报。Your hard work finally paid off2.

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校园爱情,没有回报。Campus romance cannot be rewarded.

政府债券可靠吧,回报近乎没有。Safe government bonds paid diddly.

同时,你也相同地以此回报他们。Then you can do the same for them.

她以怒视回报我的微笑。She answered my smile with a scowl.

你在和我要回报?Do you fair want to requite with me?

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还是努力得到了回报呢?Or have their efforts been rewarded?

你给的越多——你所得到的回报也就越多。The more you give- the more you get.

这是对他艰辛努力的圆满回报。A full requital of his striving pain.