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这蕴藏着丰富的地热资源。It riches in geothermal resources.

Ormat在内华达州的地热发电厂An Ormat geothermal power plant in Nevada.

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它也包括地热热系统。It also covers geothermal heating systems.

冰岛利用地热的技术非常先进。Iceland uses geothermal engergy quite well.

地热资源是本土绿色可再生能源。Geothermal resources are clean and recyclable.

通过地热试验,分析了地板采暖的性能特性。The floor characteristics of heating radiant are analyzed.

导致地热系统跑水,地板泡水报废。In the geothermal system of running water, floor water waste.

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永清境内蕴藏丰富的石油、天然气和地热资源。Yongqing territory rich in oil, gas and geothermal resources.

许多地热资源埋藏的太深,很难经济的开采。Many geothermal sources are too deep to be tapped economically.

除此以外,还可以用在地热发电厂和核电站。They could also be used in geothermal and nuclear power plants.

山东省聊城市地热资源丰富。The geothermal resource is rich in Liaocheng of Shandong province.

从地热获取这么多能源明显是非可持续发展滴!To take this much energy from geothermal fields is not sustainable.

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粗糙的混凝土能把地热水围在港口旁边。Rough concrete encases the thermal water at the side of the harbour.

地热、海洋能等,也有相当的发展潜力。Geothermal and oceanic energies, etc, have great potential for development.

腾冲地区存在两类地热流体活动。In the Tengchong region, there exist two kinds of active geothermal fluids.

章丘市枣园桃花山地区蕴藏着丰富的地热资源。Taohuashan area in Zaoyuan of Zhangqiu city is rich in geothermal resources.

地热能是一种清洁可持续利用的能源,我国有着丰富的地热资源。As a kind of clean and continuous energy, geothermal energy is rich in China.

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在罗托鲁瓦,大自然赋予了这里天然地热蒸汽,使得“夯伊”更加简便,而当地的毛利人则可更快捷地烹饪“咔伊”。In Rotorua, nature provides hot steam to make the process quicker and easier.

该工厂使用地热能源,自然采光和自然通风。The factory uses geothermic energy, natural lighting and natural ventilation.

不要只因为某种制度在别的地方曾经行之有效,就一成不变地热衷于这种制度。Ex. 2 Don't be inflexibly devoted to a system just because it worked elsewhere.