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还有竞技比赛。You also had games.

甚至是和未来的美国总统同场竞技。or even a future U.S. President.

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你觉得自己现在的竞技状态如何?What did you think of your level?

而主要的赛事则是角斗士的竞技。The main event was the gladiators.

他今天的竞技状态不如以前。He's not showing his old form today.

古代希腊人有爱好运动竞技的传统。Ancient Greeks a sport-loving tradition.

安妮被转移到马德里竞技在穆?。Arda Atletico Madrid'e Transfer Oldu Mu?

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牛仔竞技秀的动物经常在运送途中。Rodeo animals are constantly in transit.

称作重竞技项目的都有哪些项目?What sports are called heavy athletics ?

当我抱石时,感觉和竞技攀登完全不同。Instead of sport climbing I go bouldering.

划艇也是一项竞技性比赛。Rowing is also a kind of competitive game.

收入与指出不平衡的竞技状态。Anything that unbalances one's equilibrium.

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情感冲动因素是竞技运动的灵魂。Emotional impetus is the key factor in sports.

这就是小牛犊在牛仔竞技秀中的残酷命运。This is the cruel fate of baby cows in rodeos.

我认为西甲的第三支会是马德里竞技。For me the third Spanish team is Atletico Madrid.

当他宣称游戏,体育、运动性竞技when he casts games,sports, athletic competitions

我们也必须赞扬毕尔包竞技的表现。We must congratulate Bilbao for their performance.

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对于阿尔维斯竞技队而言,这也是个特殊的时刻。For Deportivo Alavés, this is also a special memory.

著名的拳击家史密斯先生竞技状况甚佳。Mr Smith, the famous pugilist, is in hard condition.

在其他的竞技秀项目中,动物也会受伤或死去。Animals also injured and killed in other rodeo events.