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你喜欢袖珍台历吗?Do you like pocket calendars?

我们去找袖珍计算机器!Let’s go find a pocket calculator!

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他的儿子简直就是他的袖珍版。His son was a pocket edition of himself.

但它们都不如“袖珍推土机”那么结实。They're not as sturdy as the Mini Dozer.

介绍了一种袖珍声级计。A miniature sound-level meter is devised.

照片必须坚持对所有的2个袖珍。Photos must be stuck on all of the 2 folios.

他总是随身携带一本袖珍字典。He always carries a pocket dictionary with him.

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如果你要袖珍字典的话,我推荐这本。If you want pocket-sized, I recommend this one.

但你是市场上最好的袖珍相机。But you are the best pocket camera on the market.

几分钟以后,他带来一只袖珍放大镜。He returned moments later with a pocket magnifier.

这个袖珍指南方便快速参考。The pocket-sized guide is handy for quick reference.

好的字典和袖珍牛津字典,都是颇堪一读的。A good dictionary is always readable, like the P. O. D.

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康维拿袖珍手电打出了遇险信号。Conway flashed a distress signal with his pocket light.

他对自己的新袖珍录音机爱不释手。He was enthusing about his new pocket cassette recorder.

他找了好一会儿才从箱子里找到一本袖珍法汉词典。He raked out of the box a pocket French-Chinese dictionary.

那部袖珍小词典经增订成为大型词典。The small pocket dictionary was expanded into a full-sized one.

你相信这些可爱的袖珍“食物”其实是不能吃的吗?Can you believe these lovely miniature food are not to be eaten?

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但几乎没有足够的火花可以点亮一个袖珍手电筒。But there was barely enough spark to light up a pocket flashlight.

我喜欢你的原因在于你是一个袖珍相机,尺寸只有3.9*2.3*1.2英寸。I love that you’re a pocket camera, only 3.9 by 2.3 by 1.2 inches.

袖珍血搪仪若操作得当。The pocket-sized blood keeps out the meter, if operates appropriately.