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他以肖像画家著名。He was renowned as a portrait painter.

这里还陈列着两幅拉斐尔的肖像画作品.Raphael also painted two of the portraits here.

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弗林德斯太太决心请人给她画幅肖像画。Mrs. Flinders decided to have her portrait painted.

在这个旅游点你会找到肖像画家。You will find portraitists in this tourist attraction.

斯科特麦克马洪和安普法夫都是肖像画艺术家。Scott McMahon and Anne Pfaff are both portrait artists.

所以我的肖像画都只有一些半成品There's only sort of two half-finished portraits of me.

那是他自己的肖像画,过去龙骑兵时代画的。It was his own portrait, painted in the old dragooning days.

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他们遵循一个传统上建立肖像画类型。They followed a traditionally established iconographical type.

我祖父有一幅马蒂斯画的肖像画。My grandfather had among his possessions a portrait by Matisse.

你说你正在学油画,想成为一个肖像画家。You say you are studying painting to become a portrait painter.

肖像画中的官员都必须是被定罪的贪官。An official has to have been convicted for a portrait to be done.

本文旨意把广义的肖像画作为研究对象。This paper aims at studying portrait-painting in the broad sense.

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在后来伦勃朗的肖像画中,被画的对象总显得未老先衰。In later portraits Rembrandt seems to age his sitters prematurely.

肖像画家,人像摄影师肖像制作者,尤指肖像画家或人像摄影师。A person who makes portraits, especially a painter or photographer.

英国肖像画家乔治·罗姆尼在坎布里亚郡的肯达尔…George Romney, English portrait painter, died at Kendal in Cumbria.

我关心这些是因为我母亲也是一名画家,她是一名肖像画家I care because my mother was a painter, she was a portrait painter.

自画像是一种特殊的肖像画体裁。The self-portrait is one kind of special portrait literature style.

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我给女王画了一幅肖像画,画向上的她中年,面带微笑。I portrayed the queen as a mid-aged lady with a big smile on her face.

我画的肖像画不多,但是我闭着眼也能画风景。I haven't done many portraits, but I could paint landscapes in my sleep.

首先迎接游客的是一间挂满法尔内塞家族肖像画的巨大的房间.An enormous room hung with Farnese family portraits soon greets visitors.