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呵呵,我真的需要这个。I so need this!

呵呵,好轻松啊!Oh, good easy ah!

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呵呵,就是万维网本身。Well, the web itself.

她呵呵地笑起来了。She brayed with laughter.

是吧?,快读这本书!,-呵呵,好的。Eh, right? Get on it! -OK.

哟呵呵!加上一瓶……朗姆酒。Yohoho and a bottle of rum!

看!我在倒挂!呵呵!Look! I'm upside down! Hehe!

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呵呵!我的英语签名是抄来的。I only know English a little.

偷我菜的都是小猪,呵呵!My food is stolen pig, Ha ha!

呵呵,小善是太矮了,比姚明矮多了!!!So much love, so little time!

唷呵呵,快来尝一杯朗姆酒!Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!

唷呵呵,快来尝一瓶朗姆酒!Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!

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呵呵,典型的双重标准!Ha-ha, typical double standard!

呵呵!非常喜欢香港!Hehehe! Love Hong Kong so much!

长线投资,呵呵。Long term investments, heh heh.

呵呵,那我们包场可以吗?Oh, that private use can we do?

呵呵,我们扯得有点远了。Okay, too long of a digression.

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呵呵,难道这也是种缘份?Oh, is this also a kind of fate?

呵呵,很高兴认识你哈!Gentleman Jz , nice to meet you !

嗯,呵呵,享受生活,共勉!Learn to enjoying life every day!