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每到一个港口他都上岸。He went ashore at every port.

我们合力把鱼拖上岸来。Between us we landed the fish.

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为什么不上岸去见见您的朋友呢?Why not disembark and see your friend?

是在这个无法上岸的海洋的深水里。In the dark waters of this shoreless sea.

要是他们全都上岸的话,我们就能够扼守住大船来作战。If they all go, why, we'll fight the ship.

众仙女们飞奔上岸。Numerous fairy people gallop to disembark.

船长离船上岸已两个小时了。The captain has been ashore for two hours.

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蚯蚓逃命,水蛇上岸。Earthworm escape, water snakes come ashore.

忒修斯领着童男童女在克里特上岸了。Theseus led the virgin in Crete went ashore.

他们扎完了绳梯的横索就上岸了。They finished rattling down and went ashore.

有一半旅客在瑟堡港上岸了。Half the passengers disembarked at cherbourg.

他一上岸就把小船系在了一棵树上。He hitched his boat to a tree when he landed.

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当海浪冲上岸崖的时侯。When the ocean waves flush ashore cliff time.

船一靠港我们就上岸了。We went ashore when the boat reached the port.

这同样影响了海员们上岸的权力。This too affects seafarers' right to go ashore.

奇切斯特上岸后,得由人搀扶才能行走。On shore, Chichester could not walk without help.

奇切斯特上岸后,得由人搀扶着才能行走。On shore, Chichester could not walk without help.

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我们需要一台岸上起重机把策动机运上岸去。We need a shore crane to shift the engine ashore.

水手们把船停靠在码头上,上岸去了。Sailors moored their boat to a dock and went onshore.

他们到底会不会上岸还不清楚。It is still unclear whether they will disembark at all.