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你能举出“absurd”的同义词吗?Can you synonymize “absurd”?

西塘可以说是水的同义词。The town is the synonym of water.

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大都市的同义词是什么?What's another word for megapolis?

来自词典中神话的同义词是“理性”。A synonym from the lexicon is logos.

“这是用同义词与”福音。It is used synonymously with Gospel.

一部常用同义词辨析词典。A very practical synonymy dictionary.

哪些术语是其他术语的同义词?Which terms are synonyms of other terms?

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给出这个词的同义词和反义词。Give the synonym and antonym of this word.

单词和字符串一定程度上是同义词?The word string is just a synonym for what?

当然有很多同义词啦。There are so many synonyms for these things.

我们必须仔细分辨同义词。We must carefully discriminate among synonyms.

同义词字典称为类属词典。A dictionary of synonyms is called a thesaurus.

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同类语词典是一本拥有同义词和反义词的书。A thesaurus is a book of synonyms and antonyms.

晚装似乎就是性感的同义词。Eveningwear is practically synonymous with sexy.

请说出这个词的同义词和反义词。Please give a synonym and antonym for this word.

文件中可以存储任意数量的同义词。Any number of synonyms can be stored in the file.

普适计算是ubicomp的同义词。Pervasive computing is a near synonym for ubicomp.

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同义词之间的内涵意义会略微不同。Synonyms can have slightly different connotations.

西塘可以说是水的同义词。The name of the town Xitang is a synonym of water.

我们应注意对同义词的辨析。We should pay attention to synonym discrimination.