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他偿付了债务。He met his debts.

“,”偿付一个退单。“Reimbursement for a chargeback.

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杰克靠干活偿付船费来到中国。Jack worked his passage to China.

以取消或偿付的办法使一笔债务失效。Voiding a debt by annulling or paying it.

他们的部分工资是以住房偿付的。Part of their pay is taken out in houses.

公司将于下月偿付债券。The company will call its bonds next month.

收购方要偿付被收购玩家的债务。The purchaser pays the purchased player’s debts.

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对一笔分期偿付的贷款所支付的实际利率。The true rate of interest paid on an installment loan.

他们决定扣押他的财产以偿付他的债务。They decided to levy on his property to pay his debts.

外界对中国偿付能力的错误认识。This distorts external perceptions of China's solvency.

外界对中国偿付能力的错误认识。This distorts external perceptions of China’s solvency.

请开汇票向我方支款,用于偿付这些额定费用。In reimbursement of these extra expenses, please draw on us.

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这个国家承受着分期偿付利息和贷款的负担。The country faced the burden of interest and loan repayments.

请开汇票向我方支款,用于偿付这些额外费用。In reimbursement of these ext ra expenses , please draw on us.

仓储方应在可偿付的基础上向AAA公司支付延期费。STORER shall be liable to AAA company on a reimbursable basis.

起初他们把偿付问题当成流动性问题处理。They initially mistook a solvency problem for a liquidity one.

是指企业债务性支出与税前收入的比率,反映了企业偿付债务的能力。A measure of a corporation's ability to meet a particular expense.

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政府利用这个账户的存款来偿付要寄给纳税人的支票。It draws on this account to clear the cheques mailed to taxpayers.

“我不能马上全数偿付,你可以拿张期票。”他说道。"I can't pay it all at once, you must take an I. O. U. , " said he.

假如拒付错了,你们应该偿付我方的银行利息。You ought to pay us the bank interest once payment is wrongly refused.