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铁器时代。The Age of Iron.

灵魂乐的时代!The song of soul!

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白银时代。The Age of Silver.

可那个时代结束了。But that era is over.

现在那个时代过去了。Now that era is gone.

她是那个时代最优秀的剑客。The best of her time.

这些就是黑暗时代These are dark times.

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现在,嘉宝的时代已经过去了。Garbo’s era had passed.

但是在现在这个时代呢?But in this day and age?

我追朔到了我的高中时代。I donot know what to do.

在古埃及时代,他也被称为阿蒙神。In he was known as Amun.

这是一个立体主义的时代。It's the time of Cubism.

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为冰河时代做准备!Prepare for the lce age!

这是狂噪的时代。This is the age of jazz.

院落别墅的时代之筵。Era' feast of yard villa.

而是一个后美国的时代。It's a post-American era.

李在韩国时代中说道。Lee told The Korea Times.

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我们是否正处在后PC时代?Are we in the post-PC era?

芬格兰绿色时代势不可挡!FGR'Green Era Is Inundant!

按时吃药。慈是同一时代的。Take the medicine on time.