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他们表现出内疚了吗?Did they behave guiltily?

他因内疚而感到痛苦。He was tortured by guilt.

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我感到一阵痛彻心扉的内疚。I felt a twinge of guilt.

他因抱怨而感到内疚。He was guilty of dripping.

我真之感到很内疚。i really feel bad about it.

对于呢地事我都几内疚架。For that, I felt so regretful.

我将其称之为内疚的快乐。I call this my guilty pleasure.

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内疚痛苦是浪费时间。Guilt pangs are a waste of time.

“没有内疚无休息,”她说。"No guilt-free rest, " she said.

把内疚感化为积极行动。Spin guilt into a positive action.

我进来时,她内疚地抬起了头。She looked up guiltily as I came in.

错把内疚和羞愧当动机。Using guilt and shame as motivation.

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他很内疚地回头一瞥。He glanced guiltily over his shoulder.

真奇怪,这种内疚感是打哪来的呢?Where does this guilt come from anyway?

他为他所感到的内疚而苦恼。He agonized over the guilt that he felt.

他内疚地把脸埋在手里。He buried his face in his hands guiltily.

亨利的内疚溢于言表。Henry's guilt was scored across his face.

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第二阻力是内疚感,她说。The second impediment is guilt, she said.

别把你自己内疚的感情往我身上搬。Don't project your guilt feelings onto me!

我感觉到一种内疚的悲痛,不想让老爸扫兴。I felt a guilty pang about ticking him off.