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我住在这栋房子的西厢房。I live in the west wing of the house.

我们加盖西厢房以扩建房屋。We enlarged the house by adding a west wing.

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西厢房,主卧,客房,我不挑的。West wing master suite guest bedroom. I'm not picky.

一位是女仆,她睡在对面厢房里。One is the maid, who sleeps on the other side of the house.

厢房的一个碳桅杆一个碳包线做一个铸壁。A carbon spar of the wing has a wall made of a carbon braid.

围内也设东西厢房,还有戏台等娱乐场所。There are also east and west wings and the stage for entertainment.

太子闻言急速步入厢房换衣准备入宫面见皇后。Prince smell speech rapidly into the wings ready to see in the queen.

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学校是一座古庙,教室是打碎神塑赶走神灵的厢房。School is a temple, classrooms God is broken off plastic wing spirits.

我们住在西进厢房,后面还有一个比较小的草皮。Our family covers the west wing rooms. There's a smaller lawn behind them.

李大钊结婚后就住在东厢房北面的正房。Lidazhao lived in the main room, north on the east wing after his marriage.

秋天的早晨有些冷,查宜弟穿上一件毛衣,出了厢房。The autumn morning is chilly. She puts on a sweater and leaves the wing room.

厢房的交互重叠是用完全的挑选轻白塞木和玻璃纤维做成的。The sandwich of the wing is made of the perfect selected light balsa and fiberglass.

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到布赖兹赫德工作的最后一位建筑师增添了一个桩廊和几个楼阁式的厢房。The last architect to work at Brideshead had added a colonnade and flanking pavilions.

厢房之外有二十肘宽的空地,环绕著殿的四周。And between the chambers was the breadth of twenty cubits round about the house on every side.

白三找洪英一起去厢房救王蝶衣,结果是错怪了洪大炮。White three for Hong Ying together to save the king wing design result is wrong about flood cannon.

正面五间上房,皆雕梁画栋,两边穿山游廊厢房,挂着各色鹦鹉、画眉等鸟雀。In front of the rooms were hanging a lot of cages keeping various parrots and thrushes and so forth.

大力把王蝶衣带到厢房,洪大炮要让王蝶衣住在这里,还派阿香伺候她。To bring Wang Dieyi to the wing, let Wang Hong cannon Dieyi live here, Ashanti also sent to serve her.

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所乘的龙舟富丽堂皇,每艘建有上、中、下三层以及厢房百馀间。They travelled in thousands of dragon boats. each consisted of three levels and over a hundred apartments.

老屋的厢房关上门后,光线比较暗,外面的声音也听不到,她可以一觉睡到自然醒。When the door of the side room was closed, the room would be dark and quiet, so that she could wake up naturally.

水师府为二进式院落,每进有正厅和东西厢房各一,且有回廊相连结。The Navy 's two into a courtyard, each with the nave and east-west wing of the one, and the corridors are connected.