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意想不到的事情,总是妙趣横生。The unexpected is always fun!

他正在追踪的那名间谍有许多意想不到的怪招。The spy he was chasing had many quirks.

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但离婚却让我意想不到的成为了一个事实。But devoice to my surprise become a fact.

菩萨总是在意想不到之处出现。Angels come to me in most unexpected ways.

给某人寄去意想不到的信或礼物。Send someone an unexpected letter or gift.

牠会甾伱最意想不到惪时候麳到伱身边。If will come to you when you least expect it.

它会在你意想不到的时候翩然而至。It will come to you when you least expect it.

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今天的邮件中一个意想不到的喜讯即将降临到他身上。A pleasant surprise awaits him in today’s mail.

汉森博士解释说,解剖会造成一些意想不到的变化。Dissection induces changes, explained Dr Hansen.

不要告诉他礼物的事,这是件意想不到的礼物.Don’t tell him about the present -it’s a surprise.

她居然能驾驶自如,这是我意想不到的。The ease of her dri'ving was a rev'ela'tion to me.

成功攻击的结果是意想不到的。The payoff of a successful attack is unimaginable.

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年轻演员为意想不到的成功而欢欣鼓舞。The young actress gloried in her unexpected success.

他的妄自尊大突然间因这次意想不到的失利而被损伤。His unexpected failure punctured his self-importance.

蒲立特的文章在中国引起了意想不到的反应。Bullitt's thesis produced a curious reaction in China.

老剧本可能会出现意想不到的新结局。The old playbook may have new, unintended consequences.

Raine博士说他们得到了一些更加意想不到的结果。They got some rather unexpected results, said Dr Raine.

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他们修建一座新图书馆的计划遇到了意想不到的挫折。Their plans for building a new library have run aground.

作为回报,穆立克先生也给了凯恩一份意想不到的礼物。In return, Mr. Mullick gave Caine an unexpected gift too.

最意想不到的武器是双筒猎枪。The most surprising weapon was the double-barrel shotgun.