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咱们能否赶得及期限?Can we make the deadline?

我要求国会延长这一权力的有效期限。I ask Congress to renew it.

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我必需赶得上最后期限。I ought to meet the deadline.

为每个目标设置最后期限。Set a deadline for each goal.

期限不断在延长Well, they just kept going up.

最后期限是明天。The final deadline is tomorrow.

你们看过利率期限结构图了I showed you the term structure.

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归还期限是下个星期三。They’re due back next Wednesday.

预定截止期限到期。The reservation deadline expires.

一张票有效期限是24小时。The ticket is valid for 24 hours.

今晚是最后期限了,或许还能和你们说说家常。Tonight is thelast night at home.

检查合同的有效期限。Check viability of Sales Contracts.

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不要让工作无期限地进行下去。Don't let tasks go on indefinitely.

申请的最后期限是四月。Our application deadline was April.

他把这书借了出来,期限为2周。She got the book out for fortnight.

要努力在最后期限前完成任务。Strive your best to keep a deadline.

最后期限往后延了一个月。The deadline was extended one month.

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而且应该有一个实现目标的最后期限。There should be an end date as well.

你方报价比最后期限晚了一些。You is a little behind the deadline.

最后期限是生活中的精灵之尘。Deadlines are the pixie dust of life.