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其中一个是肌肉自身因素。One is the muscle itself.

美德的报偿即其自身。善有善报。Virtue is its own reward.

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话又说回来,我还是偏向我自身。But then again, I am biased.

它创造了它自身的动力。It creates its own momentum.

人体自身再生。The body regenerates itself.

果断也是有自身危险的。And decisiveness is dangerous.

请尝试对其自身运行它!Try running it against itself!

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这是个自身约束条件。It's a self-limiting condition.

不承认自身感受.Not recognizing their feelings.

却仅呈现为他自身的幻影?Appears a simulacrum of his own.

那么我们自身就必须是永恒的So we must ourselves be eternal.

没有薪水、贸易、或自身的货币。No wages, trade, or money per se.

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实验室安全、抵制浪费从自身做起!Lab Waste from Eva Amsen on Vimeo.

这就是那座神龛的结局,他自身都难保,如何守护人?So that was the end of the shrine.

现在,黄金也有其自身的问题。Now, gold has its own problems too.

在我自身的杯中,飞鸟集。饮了我的酒吧,伙伴。Take my wine in my own cup. friend.

就自身来说,也是程度差异的问题。Intersexuality is a matter of degree.

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但仍是要弄的自身创痕累累。We still have to get their own scars.

他为了钱而出卖自身的朋友。He tricked his friend for moneys sake.

一个人并非借用自身的灵魂而存在。A man doesn't borrow hunks of its soul.