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烦恼就像一把摇椅。Worry is like a rocking chair.

杰米坐上了摇椅。Jamie sat in the rocking chair.

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他可以坐在摇椅里看报纸。He could sit in his rocking-chair and read.

他坐在摇椅里前后摇晃着。He rocked back and forth in his rocking chair.

奇蒂坐在摇椅上削着木头。Chitty sat in his rocking-chair whittling wood.

坐在摇椅里,却怎么也摇不起来。You sit in a rocking chair and can't get it going.

朱迪丝正坐在窗户边的一张摇椅里。Judith was sitting in a rocking-chair by the window.

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你还能记起你祖父的摇椅吗?Can you still recall your grandfather’s rocking chair?

爸爸坐在他的摇椅上,咧开大嘴笑着。Dad was sitting in his rocker, a huge grin on his face.

她回到餐室,坐在摇椅里摇了起来。Back in the dining-room she sat in her chair and rocked.

半夜了,他还坐在摇椅里摇着,盯着地板发呆。He dropped into a chair and sat looking stolidly at the floor.

那位绅士坐在摇椅里抽一支雪茄。The gentleman is sitting in the rocking-chair smoking a cigar.

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随着云彩慢慢变厚,他将头又靠向了摇椅。As they thickened, he leaned his head back against the rocking chair.

坐在你的摇椅里,靠在你的窗户边梦想,你将独自。In your rocking-chair, by your window dreaming, shall you long, alone.

他在裤子上擦了擦手,然后一下子坐进摇椅里面。He wiped his hands on his trousers and plunked himself down in a rocking chair.

奶奶发现坐在摇椅上前后摇晃还挺舒服的。Grandmother finds it relaxing to sit in her rocking chair and move back and forth.

进到房间,爱狄在一把摇椅上坐下来脱下鞋,摸摸已被打湿的牛仔裤。Inside Adie sits down in the rocker and takes off her shoes and cuffs her wet jeans.

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七点多时,他停了下来,坐回了摇椅。It was a little after seven when he stopped and settled back into his rocking chair.

小屋里的那张摇椅的破洞上,有一只橙黑相间的大猫正在睡觉。Inside, covering the hole on the chair seat, a big orange-and-black cat was sleeping.

那时除开葛哈德在厨房里摇椅上摇动不安的声音之外没有其他声息。There was no sound save that of Gerhardt rocking nervously to and fro in the kitchen.