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成熟是早中稻。Maturity is early to mid-season.

中稻套播黑麦草系统在湖南气候条件下是一种较为合理的粮饲轮作系统。The mid-season rice with ryegrass is a best pattern in Hunan province.

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如果是中稻和小麦轮作,则可以只在水稻上施用锌肥。Unde rotation of medium rice and wheat, zinc fertilizer could be only applied on rice.

这些结果为开展稻谷中稻水象甲的检疫提供了依据。These results provide a basis for the quarantine of L. oryzophilus in stored rice grain.

尤其需要指出的是,干田稻源于中稻,被称作那个时期的一个新品种。Especially, Geondapdo, which was derived from Mando, was fixed as a new variety at that period.

不同杂交中稻绍合间结实率存在显著差异。There are significant differences in setting rate among different medium hybrid rice combinations.

杂交中稻培两优3076穗大粒多,产量潜力大。The typical characteristics of Hybrid Medium Rice Peiliangyou 3076 were big panicle, more grains and high yield potential.

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可将4叶期和分蘖盛期的发根力作为选育或筛选杂交中稻强抗旱性品种的参考指标。The rooting ability at 4 th leaf and at top tillering can be used as selection criterion in rice breeding for drought resistance.

结果表明,前氮后移有助于提高杂交中稻组合头季稻及再生稻产量,且高于重底早追施氮方式,但各杂交组合间表现各异。The results showed that the average grain yield of 20 hybrid rice combinations was higher than that of traditional fertilizing method.

灾难性的降水不仅破坏了早稻,而且淹没了中稻的籽苗,这些籽苗几天前才播种的。The disastrous rainfall not only ruined the early rice, but also drowned the middle rice seedlings, which were just planted several days ago.

经过11年的调查研究,得出了白背飞虱、褐飞虱两个种群在黔北一季中稻上的消长动态。The dynamic state, growth and decline, of white back planthopper and brown planthopper in northern Guizhou was resulted after 11 years studies.

2007年的早、中稻期间通过南方各地型稻田的收割考验,效果相当好,深受农户欢迎。In 2007 the early and mid-season through the South during the harvest rice fields throughout the type test results very good, welcomed by farmers.

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以杂交中稻红莲优6号为材料,采用小区试验,研究了不同施氮水平和栽插密度及栽插模式对杂交中稻群体结构的影响。The effects of different nitrogen fertilizer levels and transplanting mode on canopy structure and yield in Honglianyou 6 in plot experiments were studied.

利用我市秋季的资源优势,在早、中稻收获后的茬口田,采用免耕土表播种、施肥后再覆盖稻草栽培秋马铃薯。By using advantageous natural resource in autumn, potatoes are planted in paddy soils and covered by rice haulms without plowing up the soil after the harvest of rice.

在免耕直播和免耕抛秧栽培方式下,对18个杂交中稻组合的生长发育特点、产量构成性状进行了分析。Characteristics of growth, traits of yield components were analyzed for 18 hybrid mid-season rice combinations under no-tillage direct seeding and no-tillage throwing.

以功能团为单位和以物种为单位的群落多样性指数和均匀度指数呈高度正相关。群落特征在中稻生长发育期间变化较大,群落稳定性较低。The characteristics of the communities changed obviously in the growth and development period of middle-season rice, thus, the stability of the communities was rather low.

早稻和中稻本田用该药喷洒可获得较好的防治和较高的产量,纯收益分别合投资的2.55倍及2.2倍。In the early and middle rice fieldbetter control and higher yield is achieved after spraying the chemical, though the net profits are only 2.55 times and 2.2 times the investmentrespectively.

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同时,化学促芽剂4PU-30、高产精、腐殖酸、IAA能够增加头季中稻单穗重和促进再生芽的萌发生长,提高穗数和产量。In the meantime, chemical promoter 4PU-30, Yield precise, humic acid and IAA can promote single spike weight and growth of regeneration bud, which resulted in high spike numbers and high yield.