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我们应该筛查腹腔疾病吗?Should we screen for coeliac disease?

患有腹腔疾病的人不能消化面筋。People with celiac disease cannot process gluten.

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输精管自阴囊引出,进入腹腔。This tube leads from the scrotum into the abdomen.

胸、腹腔有无积液及量的多少。Fluid in the thoracic cavity and abdominal cavities.

腹腔恶性间皮瘤的结肠侵入。Colonic invasion of malignant peritoneal mesothelioma.

后腹腔膨大的淋巴结也被发现。Enlarged lymph nodes were noted in the retroperitoneum.

实验选用不同年龄的ICR纯系小鼠,腹腔注射MPTP。The ICR mice were injected with MPTP in abdominal cavity.

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这也是为什么睾丸生长在腹腔外的理由。The testes live outside of the abdomen for a good reason.

柯瑟琳低头看着病人的腹腔。Catherine stared down into the patient's abdominal cavity.

腹腔内镜检查证实康复时间为1到2天。With laparoscopy the recovery time is about one to two days.

经尾静脉及腹腔注射尼莫同。Nimotop was injected through caudal vein and abdominal cavity.

但腹腔疾病导致免疫系统损害小肠。But celiac causes the immune system to damage the small intestine.

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发生腹腔内出血的病例以行开腹手术为宜。For cases with internal hemorrhage, Laparotomy is the best choice.

采用雨蛙素腹腔注射诱导AP模型。The AP model was induced by intraperitoneal injection of caerulein.

剖腹术后腹腔内气体还可以遗留一至二天。Intra-abdominal gas can persist for a day or two following celiotomy.

肝癌自发破裂出血腹腔播散以及医源性种植。Dissemination of metastasis by spontaneous hemorrhage of liver cancer.

小鼠腹腔接种法观察其侵袭力。Invasive ability was observed through mice celiac inoculation as well.

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腹腔注射无菌酵母多糖A制备大鼠MODS模型。The MODS models were induced by intraperitoneal injection of Zymosan A.

采用直接闭合式方法进入后腹腔,操作更简便。It is easier to enter retroperitoneum by the straight and closing method.

对成年人来说,原发性后腹腔畸胎瘤是相对比较少见的。A primary retroperitoneal teratoma is a relatively rare disease in adults.