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这是我力所不及的。It is past my power.

对不起,这是我力所不及的。Sorry, this is beyond my power.

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要解释这些我力所不及。It's beyond me to explain these.

那样的事是我力所不及的。Such things are beyond my ability.

我的确认为完成这项任务是他力所不及的。I do think that it is beyond his power to fulfill the task.

在小心眼人看来,只要是自己力所不及的,就都是不对的。Narrow minds think nothing right that is above their own capacity.

要是一对匹俦不再相爱,药物多半力所不及。And if a couple fall out of love, drugs are unlikely to help either.

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他人的言行举止或力所不及,目前都已既成事实无法更改。What others may have said or done or failed to do cannot be changed now.

这家公司的比较可知,在经营上不做力所不及的事情。This corporation is quite reliable, and never does business beyond its means.

对一般工薪阶层,购房买车是他们力所不及的。For average bread earners, it is beyond their means to afford houses and cars.

怎么抵抗?我怎样才能抵抗我力所不及的事呢?By what? How do you counteract the things that are just beyond my ability to deal with?

在你还没有“做好”以前,莽撞地“做大”往往就会搞得你力所不及,最终,就以惨败告终。In you haven't "do" before, there "big" often get you power, and, in the end, it ended with defeat.

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这些愿望可能对许多没有上过大学的男女来说力所不及。"Such aspirations may be out of the reach of many men and women without post-school qualifications, " she said.

不要担心工作过累会要了自己的命。而在你而立之年生活愉悦之时,过度工作却是你能力所不及的。Don't be afraid of killing yourself with overwork. It is beyond your power to do that on the sunny side of thirty.

他指出,外星人可能会利用目前人类力所不及的技术展现自己。Aliens could reveal themselves with technologies that are currently far beyond the scope of humans, he pointed out.

人们致力于力所不及的事情的同时,往往忽略了力所能及的事情。People are always focusing too much on matters beyond themselves, resulting in the negligence of those within their power.

当相关关系的原因未知时,风水先生试图作出风水预兆。所以,就力所不及了。When the reasons of the co-relations were unknown, geomencers tried to make geomantic omens . Thus, the use was out of its power.

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人们致力于力所不及的事情的同时,往往忽略了力所能及的事情---埃德加。瓦斯顿。豪,美国小说家。People are always neglecting something they can do in trying to do something they can't do---Edgar Waston Howe, American novelist.

在应对危机的过程中,中国大踏步地推进社保体系建设,就在几年前这还是我们力所不及的事情。In fighting the crisis, China has made huge strides in developing social programmes, which was beyond our means just a few years ago.

工业化国家认为,当各国正竭力刺激重创衰退的经济复苏之际,花昂贵的成本大幅减少温室气体排放是力所不及的事。Industrialized nations say that steep, expensive cuts in emissions are out of reach when they are trying to stimulate recession-hit economies.